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1777 107 (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0210 and id is 1 raw text is: in tie      2gar of our L                0 R A   1777.
Treafon.                                  107
C   -1  A   P.     XXXil.
An I.161    againft Treafon and Mifprifion of Trearon, and
for Regulating Trials in fuch Cafes, and for dire~ting
the Mode of executing judgments againfa PrIons at-
tainted (i Fclony.
)E it ena47lhd and dclarid by the Council and Hofe of Riprefentative: p       ans Lin
Bj in Gen'ral Court a embld, nd by the Autkority of the fame, That lleghianc,.
al Pcrfons abiding within this State, and derivingProte',ion from the Laws
of the fame, owe Allegiance to this State and are Members thereof ; and that
all Perfons palling ,hrough,vifiting, or making a rem po,-ay Stay in thisState,
being intiled to, and aLfually receiving the Prose ton of the Laws during (he
Time of fuch Viitation, or temporary Stay, owe during the fame Time Alle-
giance to this State.
And be it furtber iNdtd b, It, Authority aforefaid, That all Perfons, All peTfona fe
,embrs of, or owing  -legiace to this Statr, as before defcrib-d, who Ihall .act *11t1gat
within or without the Limits of this State, levy War, or confpire to levy War irvy waragiuli
a   .ainf this State, or againft any other of the United States of Ameca, or tit atained
fl14all within or without the Limits of this State, be ad'v:rent to the Enemies of iha ruirer
this Stace, or of Yny other of the faid United Statel, giving to them -id and death.
Comfort within or without the Limits of this Stare, and thereof be proveably
attainted of open Dckd by the ['tople of their i ondition: fuch Perfons hall be
take., deemed and ajudged Guilty of Treafon agalnft this State, and fhall
fuff-r the Pains of Learh wthout the Benefit of Clergv.
And be it ftrther cmaattd by the Itthority afor.laid, That all Perfons ow.'
ing 'llegionce to any other of the faid Uni-ed States, who ffiall withit this
State levy War, or confpirc to ltvy War againcf this, or arny other of tr.e fi;d All. perrcas
wig  iltgI
UrJied States, or be adherint to thtEnemles of this or of any other of the Akid 0. t ata n:
U1,ited Stat.s, giving to them Aid and Comfort within this State, and there- rh-.r of tie
OUt Itt Stte.%
of be proveably attainted of open Deed b'y the People of their Condition, .,,.tfli,.i ith,
fuch Perfo-s fliall be taken, deemed and adjudged Guilty of Treafon againft ir this State
this Sate, ad fliall fuffer as is aforcmentirned.                      ccnIrr, to le
h.!s  -f o efa  T at           'V  war bede-
,lnd be it ]uther ena,, ed by tht ,,futhority aforefaid, That Concealm.nt it guilty 01
or keepiog lecrc:t of any Treafon, be deemied anti taken only Mifprifioi .f Lfreaoni.
Tr-.fon, and  i .-z Ofender therein halI forf'it to the Ufe of this State all his  orcearn
Goods and ChAttis, and the Profits of his Lands during his Life, and hall and of anv ere;,fo
may be imprloned f..r a Term not lers than Two Years nor exceeding Five the cif-ndei to
Y,a's, at the Dit'retion of the Court before whom he fhall be conviffid.  fIfeit all hil
I gands andihal.1
Anl be it furtbier tinaSled by the Al4tbority aefortfiidi, That any Perfon lUff,, impri-
who fhall knuwv of any I reafon to be cornmintcd (and is no Party or Con- loatnent.
lenter to it) an,! .31l riot within a r ~amable Time give Inforn'ation thereof Any perron
upon (.ath ro ane of the Juffices of the Superio.r Court of Judicature, Court wl sihallkno-r
ot Affize, a-,d Getueral Goal l)eivery, or. hime Juaice of the Peace within this o any treafon
Sr7,te, to the End tteCIender or Offenders therein my be apprehended. and ani not give
be imetnable to juffice, fhall be taken and deemed to be Guilty of Mifprifion iforination
oi Trealon. or Concealment of 1reafrn.                                   dl be gi,ilf
,of i; rpri fcn of
A.d be it ;urlier rna.ied by th Authority aforefail, That all Manner of ,-vealon.
Oftencei m ide and !cclartd by thisAit, or which (h-4l here~frer be made, and
declared by a ly the Laws and St.itlites of tIis State, to be Treifon, Mif- SUleriorottl
prifion o Trc ov, or ConteArment of rreafin, which (hall hereafter be clone, tj h..h-e tgnio
perpetra ed or c: rimisted by any P,'rion or Perfms without the Limits of this 'e' m acacllj
State, fhal' be enquired of, heard and de:erti.ined before the julices of the this at.
,uperior Court of Judicarure, Court of Alfize and General (Goal Delivery,
E                                     hi%

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