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1775 9 (1775)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0201 and id is 1 raw text is: 1-i~i te Sg;tenlfre1arfA/the egniff -ORGkt the Thir4XjKNG,, c. 177Y.
Armed Ve/frs.                                         9
;Pafld by the Great and General Cour'r o              AfIembIy of the
Colony 0£ the Mofachrijftts-Bay i Nti              -Eigland: Be-
gun and held at J'ra/eri6wn, in th          C6Utinty of Middhfe;
on Wedinefday the Nineteenth DaAy of Jluy, Ahnno Do.
mini, i775     : An     from    hence continued b.y Adjourn.
irnenc to Wednefday         the   Twetieth Day        of Septembe)t
olloWing, and th-        met'.
,                                       .  ..  ,.    , ,-
CHIP.         I.
An, A&     for en.couraging the fixing out of armed VeiTel; 6'
defend thc Sa.Coo at 6 Anmerica, and for erefing a
Court t6 try and condemn all Veffels that' fliall be found
infefling the filme.
HER EAS the prefent   d,njn:frcat '5n of Great. Britain, beiig divefled Vrenrblt
j'''7        uflice and*Hunla  uy, and Stranger. to ihat Afafgmnimity and
qK       f-red Regard for Liberty,  ,ich infpired their venerab/e Prede-
c: ors, have be'nendeavoikring through i Series ofTears, to efablif/b
y/1enm    efpotifm ov'er the ,y-meriat Colonies, ndby their venal and coreupt
Jlleafures, havefo extended their It /Zuc'ce bve t. • Britttl Parliment, that ky
, pr0iu'tied My'ori ty it isanow. become a p'uliticl Eigint. of. Slavery :A nd
'berea:a  te'Mtitry. Tolr of the our z1nttalniral Enewiej wile reflra;ned ky
h, LTP,-iJ Frc  of rt-A 4 inerican 'olonies frow proceeditngt iii. their Janauinary
CLreer ffleaflation ard Si'ug~ter, pre iitfefln the Sea Coafls with armed
Ye 'h, and daily endea'Pouring to diflrefi the inhabitants,, by bu rning their Townsi
and deflroying their Dwellin;s, with- their Subflaice, plundering live Stock, 41tt
Vakin.q Captures ofProvfton- and other .e.[7els, bein, tlie Pro p.rty of/ aid I,.
habitants :.11d, nvh.'eas their Mieflies, King *ilham. and Qieen Mary, by
the' Royal Cbarter of this Colo,,y, 1! jr therfelvs, thei Heirs and Succeflori, dij
grant; eflablA and ordain, that ii     / the lb/ince f the Governor and Lietenant
Ooternor c/he Colo,'y, a Malorit, oj the CotunqtilJfa/l have full Power by them
Svei, or tv any chief Comwnanaet, or otker 0.1,cer, or O.ficers, to be !ppointed ! y
ikem from Trimt to Time, for the fpecial Defence of theirfaid Province or Ter-
rYiqry, to affe'imblein Altial lrray, and ptt in warliko Pq/?ire the Inhabitant.
of their-aid ProviTce er Territory, and to .lead and conduc? the;,,, and with theta
to encounter, axpu fe, re/fl and purfie by Force of Arms, as well by Sea as by
Land, within 6r'without the Limits of their /aid Province or T'erritory ; and alfa
1o kill,flay, deflroy and conquer, by all itin  J,ays, Enterpries and Means-
whatfoever, all and every .li'ch I'eroi ani. Perons as JkIou/t at any Tim-e there-
after, attempt or e,!terprize the iDeflruhon, Invafjrn, Deiriment or 4nnoyance
of thgir faid P'rr,vihce or Territory, and to take and furprize ly all  -Vays and
?vleans what/fever, all and every Per/n and Perfi's, with their Ships, -4rm,
.Amnunition, and other Goods, as thoult in a ho/flile Manner, invade or attempt
the invadin , coh.tuerin  or annoyi q oftheir faid Province or 'Territory : .A4
Wberea, it is expre/ly Re/olvedhy tbe Graid congress of Amarica.   That eac'
<7olony, at their own .Exp-enck', make fi, ch ProvIjion ky arned eiI'wV /s or oiheez: ei.
as meir rifpe6/ive .4'emblirs, Conventions or Commitee: of Safety, fall julge
C                              expedidi/e

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