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1775 1 (1775)

handle is hein.ssl/ssma0200 and id is 1 raw text is: T, -t l FieetihaZr  of t le ?dtgn of G E0R GE ibe Thrd, XING, &C  ~7 7 Y
Congre/s coufirmed.                            [,
Valed by thc Great and General Court or Affembly of the
Colony of the Mafflacbtj tts-Bay in New-Eng/ad : Be-
gun   and   held   at Watertown, in irhe County of Mid-
dlefix, on Wednefday the Ninetcenth Day of jady, Anno
Vomini, 1775.
C H   A . I.
An A%     to confirm   and eftablifhi the Re folves of the fcv:-
ral Provincial Congreffis of this 4 lolony.
7ff   7HEI    E.4S t:ii oppre¢/.d Colony has, for 'nany Mo.ulut  to I bren Preamble,
d,'        rived ofike fi ee E.ercife 6J its iIal l-.wets  ; ,
;w/.,ic'h.     i.  ece farily cccaJicned I.e .ulhbc J'i.Jihe/s I.reotIo be c.n-
du6Rt , iby Congreje ; and as many Almitri oJ t'Ie  reae/l Iiip or-
fan'e fir he Recc-'cry avd Pretjervalion cj tfit Li/erty, T.i',ib Gc.d Milture
n Co,.paR have given to i.ii Pecp/h, have been Rtjilvcc/ Eoe and Trafa(Red,
h, Prov:al Cr reps,jom¢ 01 ./'ick/.ae n't ' yetd ileirJullEf6 I d
V.herea, e .i ,gaoify oJ'/trk Ref.61ves, -ai,gs and Tra.faicilcas, may hercafter
be cal/ed ;It icfiou', and may occafio.i much L; igat;n, un/cs ce,.irmed and
¢aqa,'., ifian j.'ne hvt -svn conflituticnal A.wiater : 1
Ie it it'ercfire L:nated, /'y lke Cct;,ci! and Rkilfe of Reprefentatives of th;r Do'ngs oF,
CGok/.), in G(;cral Covrt afembled, ahd ;y Ike .4uwhoiity o] tk fawe, That all tL,,e P Ji ci.
and every ilc R[clolvcs, Doings and iranlrticons of the levcral Provincia ,Con. al Cngtefl~
grtfTes of this Colony, frorm and afcr the f6urth D.y ot Ot ober, One Thou- c xfirmed.
tand Ieven Hundred and Scenty four, to the t%%entieth Day of 7Uy, Ot
Thouifand feven Hundred and Seventy five, be,'and they hcreby are con-
firmed and eflablilhed, as laiful nd %2;lid, to all Intents, Confirtih ns A'nd
Furpo-es  hatfocvcr, as ful)y ;rd cfitt-ually, as if the V C RclOlvc's, Doi r.y
and 1ranfa~ins, had bcen done by ary General Court or Aflimbly of this
,!nd te it fi,'r,7r En.,?ed ly the Aa,,ithrity afire(aid, Thla' i whenever Any Recort, of
.,-rfron or I',.rfins nball be fired, or'profi cutcd, before any Superior C. Lit of them to be
Judicature, Court of Affize, and Gtncral Goal Deivery, or betoc any In!'.- given in F.vj
Ir Court of Common Pleas, or any Court of General Sefli.ns of th( Peace, the Gcncr.T
or ! Forc any firngleMagifrate, for any Thing dooc in Obediti.ncc to, or in Corn- l1111.
liance with any of the RerIlvcs, Doings, Rtcominicndations, or other Procecd-
in-gs of'fajd Coh.rcrics, ftchl Perron, cr Pcrfons, fhall, 'nd may ive this ALI,
sAd the Rccord. of the Rkfolves, Doii'gs .ar.d Tranfaations of the fe'veral Pro.
vincial47nrge'feis afbrefaid, in Evid.cnce, uruer the General IlTue, and the faine
thus given in E-'idvtncc, fh'ill avail to all 1ltents and Purpofei, as if the fame
were fpecially pleaded ; any La i,, Ufige, or Cuaom, to the contrary notwith-
.,4n, be. it further Enafle,, lby the .Autbority a/ore/aid, That the Records To be Jodg.
ofhe Rcful,,eCs, Doi:'g. and Tranfac1ions o the feveral Provincial Coungrcfl~s ed in the se.
..reary sOf-
aforelaid, be immediately lodged, and forever hereaftcr kcpt i-the  -crery' s. e   11.11
Office of this Colony, and that the Secretary fhall copy slid authenticate all w  out at
fuch Records of faid Refolves, Doius and 'Fran ffions, as fhlrl be dernandcd te(led Copies
rif him to be ufed in any of the Courts xforefaid, which Copies fo authenticated, of them.
fhall be re~ci'ved :s full Evidenec ih faid Courts of all fuch Refiolvcs, Doing&
and Tra*a8ions.

A                  LHAJ~'.

A  .. . . . !


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