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1797 1 (1797)

handle is hein.ssl/ssga0247 and id is 1 raw text is: An ACT to revife and amend the Judiciary Sy'emR                          o t        1t;
sD . 2E it enaled ly the Senate and Ilou'fr of Reprt/entatives of theStatef Georga i Vrdl
.11 fiby met, andY ibe authority of the fame. Titat -thete thall be hree judges 6f tui'
courts in this flate, which judges thall, before they enter on the duties- of their qfficC, tAe,
fullowing oath or aflirmation, either before the governor or commiflioners by hin appoied. fit
t'at 1urpole, to wit, '! do jolemnyf /dar or *fm, tha rwilladmiirj  u'tbwtha
petfont, and do qua right to the poor and to the tih; and tat I will faith/  avd ip  41*f
obaige and perforim all Ih dutie: incumbent on me as a judge ofthe fsuqrior cokrts of tilat , averdng.
to tIe kI/ ]my alities and underl/an!ing, and agr, eb/b to ibe /sw and cotfliut.ion if4;ate, sad
th roj/itfion ofibe United States; So help me God.             .
2. Ild be it further enallid. That the flaic (lal he divided into three circuits in the following
itanner, to wit, the countics of Camden, Glynnj MIntth1, Libcrty, Bryan, Chathari, Effing.
bhim and Bullock; thall form the Eaflrn Circuit ; t!h counties of Scriven, Burke, Montgomeryd
Wafhington, Waran, Richmond,.Columhia and JeflrfOn, liall form the Middle Circuit; and
the counties of Crecnc, J~ickfon, Franklin, I Iunt u- k, Oglethorpe,  lbcrt, Wilke' and: Lincoln,
hall form the Wcflcrn Circuit.  '                     .I
3. And b, it fiber enagled. That the laid judes (hall 1.rditic in each circuit alternately, rothit,
no two terns he held by thc fame judge in tht hime circuit fiucceffivcly.
4.     benJ br it fdpr rnalrd, 'I hat the judges of the fiperior courts or one of them, thull hold
the frid ciurts in each county.twice in cvery ycar, at the refpedivc times, and in the manner foL.
low ing, to 'it:
In the EASTER            N   -CIRCUIT.
On tl f1l fl days of March and Septeniber in eich year. in the county of Clyrfh; on the 'eventh
dy.I3 of Mn.ch and Septenbr. in Camden i on the fburtcenth days of March and September in
M   iloil  ; on tie twcnity-firtl of MaIrch and Scptemibcr, in Lihcrty; on the thirtieth of March
. pu:mbir in Hruvan; on the fourth of April and Oduher, in Chatham; on the tiinth of MJy
11n 1Inty.fouIr th of' Ouobcr, in lEdinham; on the fixtecnth of May and thirty-firfl of Odobcr,
In the   Mi    DDLE         C1RC-UIT.
On tht' firf day of Man h anl Septcn iber, in the county of Burke; on the fourteenth of March
.i.1 .September, in Scriven  u on the tw cntydfecond of March and Septcnbcr, in Monrgomery I on
the twenty-cighth of bluah and Seoptmcilr in Wafhington ; on the eleventh of Aptil and OWtoberi
in JcLTirfon ; on th:- fixtecenth of May anti feventcenth of Odobcr, in Warrkn i on the twenty-third
of May and Novemnber, in Richmond ; on the fiftecntl of Junc and twelfth of Dcembcr, in'Co-
In thc WESTERN                  CIRCUI1T.
On the fir(I of March and Septcmber, in Hancock ; on the fourteenth of .March and. eptember.
in Greene; on thqtwenty-cighth of March and Sptcmber, in OglethorpeI on the fourth of April
and Odober, in Jackfon: Ano the elvcenth of April and Odober, in, Franklin s on the cighteenth of
April and Odober, in Elbcrt ; on the tvw'enticth of May and November, in Wilkes ' on the firilof
June and December, in Lincoln. Providel, That in cafe any of thc aforefaid court-days ihall hap.
pen on Sutiday, then ant iri that cafe, fuchcotirt thall commentce on the next day. thereafter...!,
.. And he it /uffriben.tled. Th'at thle judges, att6mcy ge4ial and folicitors thallieet ani
nually at Louifyille on the tenth day of July, for:he purpofC of formiig rulst for thebCovCrimit*
of the fiperior court, determining on fuch points of law as may be referved for argument, an4 mq..
require-an uniform decifion, and for giving their opinions on fuch conflitutioil-aind legilpoints as
iu2y be referred for their confideration by'the excuitive department, Provided alys That no*
rhing hertic untained, th  lcxtend to, or h' confirued toauthortlfe the judges tentertiponany
1-reccding which may- alled any caufein its progrtds,.to final decifioq agrtaby to the conitution

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