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1794-1795 1 (1794-1795)

handle is hein.ssl/ssga0245 and id is 1 raw text is: '                      -

- U -                     _________ -
A A          C. T                      S
TO'F                                   THE             07 R' . *G
PASSED AT A U G U ST A, DECEmatR 1794. AND. JANUARY 1795            .
AN A'C*T fupplertr#ryo.      A e, entiled,  an  . I fr appropriating a part of the unlocated ter.
doitov of this /ak, for ihe panrmfl of' the late j/e troops, and fei erber puipoja therern menuioned,
drr/.'ing the right oflij.:L to'be uenappoptriated ierritory thercoJ, fiv r the .protlion and fuppor
ftepupof. s.                                               .     .   .
W      H 1-1114REAS ii Jad;hy' the Articles of Confederation enterctl into andfnlly ratified on the
fiifday of March, one thoiflnd fevi hundwrid anl cigity-one, by the then Thircct .
United States of Amivrica, the territory within the limits of' each of' the faid flates -is to each
of themi rte'fpedively confirmed and guaranteed, firil by the lt ond article, to wit:-:' E-ach flate rc.
* a3ins its Iove'reiguty, fredom mitd indepslcnce.amd (-very power, juirifdiftionaind right, which is
-' er by the Confeds...''o  oprd.Iy dt'lened :,) tie United St:ntc* in Cong'r. is al nlubled; and fe-
contdly , by tle 1.trl 1.lfe inl tht- recond fi-diogn of the nifith article:  No fliatc Ihall be. depri'Ved of
(territory for the Iilfic of (Ie United Stat's. !
AN ).W NI il Fi'AS inl id by die delinitive treaty of pccc, figned at Paris oi fhe third day of
Scptelmnbcr. Oe thoifdid )i.vi hutndrid mid cighiy-hre...trc bouidarics of the United St.tes are
3il.1hl ihed, anll hol' l u.I'es wAith.limit the vellwa'lly anil foothiwdliwardly iiarts of this flate
are therein th1us def.i':  A  i tle.middle of the river Nif filippi, until it fhall snterfed-thc nor-
 thernimoffpart of't thtirt% -firil degre of' north brittit*e, fioutb by a line strawn .ducall.froin tie
d termination ' of thc line idt mentiontd,- in tih: latitude of thirty-one .dcgrces Iorth of-th1C'quator,
to the midkifi of the ri%.sr Apalachicol or ChAtahomice ; thcnicc along the middic thercof to -its
jun6tion with tle Fliilt r:('r ;,sthence lirait t'o the heid of St. Mary's . .-: andthencc do*n
;lion the' middle of St. 1. Y',. ret'. to ie Atlit'ocean ; wi.ici4 blundaries voincide with the
t~odirTlrly and i'elwardly-houindairies recited in the Land Ad.now. in force, pated at Savannah ort
til fevententh day of September, one thotuland feven hunidred and eighty-three; and by the Con,*
vetion lcIhlit 1tlimIf'orr, onl the twenty-eighth day of April, onc thoufand e~vei hundred and cighty.
f' venl,, het w'een this flate and the fite of Stith-Carolinmt, the noithern houndary of thc flate is efla.
blished do from the mouth of the riv'cr. Savvnnah, up the fidd river to the conflucice of Tugola and
4 Kcowce ;. 'thencc up the Tigola, and fron the f'ource thercof a due-.wet-1inC to thc Mlillippi,
inchidin iflands.             '                    ..                   ..
AN) WI EREASin.and by'the cf laufe ofithe fixth. artilc'of the Federal Conflitution of the
United Statcs 6f Arn'rica, all engagements ctcred into h0fo re the ad6pti.n Of-ih ctid  onilution
thall. lie as  lid :iga1inft thteUnid YSta', s1' iandei 'thc fr(i Coil flit'itio' t u'nt-der theCoiifederation,.
by the third claeif, of' thc nith fedion of thc firil article of thC ftid Conflituiioi, no expoft-faetq
** law thal l'b-he paffi'd,'. and by. the ficond Caiiufie of the .third fetici of tic fourth, article .** the
Cofrdfs' flyial have 'power to dirpofe of and nakc all niccelary run  s and v (r gulations refpeaing
da thcrritory or other property blonging to the United States, .and nothing in this Conlitution
thali be fo conrfi:cd as to prejudice any clair.s of t1 United Statls. .or'vf any particular  tt
ej ~     ~       ,.           5, oro.n    ariua

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