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1792 1 (1792)

handle is hein.ssl/ssga0243 and id is 1 raw text is: MN             :AC TP
To revire, amend and confolidate the erI Judiclary.A 8
of this.State.
pE it enalled by Tbe Senate and floupf of Reprefentative of the St tf.
I   Georgia, in General .Afmbh met, and by the authority ofthe
That from and immediately after the paffing of this a, .two fit and pro-
per perons duly qialified fhall be cledcd judges of the fuperiorcourts,
which judges thall, before they enter on tha.dutics of their refpediYr
oflices, take the following oath or aflrmation, to wit,
. **I do folcnly (wcar or affirm, ihat I will adminifler juftice without
reped to pcrfon, and do cqual riglht to the poor and to the rich; and
that I will faithfully and impartially difchargo and perform all the
duties incumbent on.m-as a judge of the (uperior courts of tbs Rtat',
.  2ccording to the bell of my abilities and undcrflanaing, and agrecable
to the laws and conflitution of this flatc and the conflitution of the
. United States. So Alp me God.   *            .                 .
And he it jprther enaad, That the judges of the fuperior- court, or
cnc of ihcm, (hall hold the (aid courts 'in each couary twice ip every year,
.it the rctrjcive iimes and in the manner following, to wir, On the firft
'I'udda7 in January, ii Camden; the-Tudrday after In Olynn; tho
 Tdiday after in laberty;' the Tudfday two weeks after in Chatham;
the Tiiday two wccks. after in !liingham ; and the Tudfday after in
1th:e, th.* aford.eid coutinties flall Ie the ILVlern diaria. And the faid
c..-:rts 0hall I lirld on the !1(11 Tueli ay in January in Waflhington; the
T yter in Grece; the Tuelddy two wccks alter in Fraiklin; the
Ti 1ly Afcer in [iberl i the Todday aftcr in Wilkes I the iTLicday two
eek d:er in Clonibia ; and the Tuefday aftcr in Ricliniond ; the aforc-
f(mit l.ifl Lunalics iall he the Welcrn dilhi. And when from indilpo-
lition <if cither the judges of the (uperior courts the fame cannot be held
in mannnCr as aforecaid, it thall.and ny be lawful for the Covernor for the
time being to ifit' a orunilion to fome'fit and proper. pcrfonb being a
birriflcr of the faii couirt, authorifing and requiring fuch perdon to hold.
the fame during: th indi(pimfition of the judge who mty be lick, or until
the end of the circuit fo6 which lie (hlll b: appointed ; and the perfon
f-appointed thll rcccive for his Cervices four dollars per d2y:'Whch per-
6m, before hc entcrs on the duties of fuch appointment, fhall take the
enath prelribcd to the judges of the fuperior courts, and lball har!\veho-
face power and authority. . ha-                   .
Adb it fur4r natd, That the mode of proceeding in all civil
caufts in the (upe'ior and inferior courts thall be.by petition and procefs,
and iiplea, demurrer or rejoinder (hall be admittid'or allowed of in either
of the laid corts: And in all cafes wherein demurrers.are now filed, or
ilTes in liw made up, tbe larne thall be fubmittedto a jury on ihe merits
of the caufe, without refpea to the pleadings heretofore hdi and if ci-
thar of the patties are not prepared to proceed to ttia'on the mritsof the
cufe, the court flual. upon folicient caufe being thcwp on oath, prsit
a ..L.lthusic therre-m7A11 the nextterm; and the faid'petition ahd prl.
A                           cels

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