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1783 1 (1783)

handle is hein.ssl/ssde0071 and id is 1 raw text is: AWS
ENACT            ED       BY       T  H   E
GENERAL                   ASSEMLBY
OF    THE      STATE         OF
W H I C H commenced at Dover, on Monday the Sixth Day of
January, in the Year of our Lord One I houfand Seven
and Eighty-three.
CHA P.       1.
An A C T for the difcharging of the Half Pay to the Widows or Gil-
din of the Oficers of the Delaware Regiment, who have died or
may die in the Service oj the Copninent.
H E R E A S Congrers, on the twenty-fourth Day of
SV Auguf?, One I houfand Seven Hundred and Eighty,
havc direeted, that their Refolution of the fifteenth Day of
Alay, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Seventy-eight grant.
ing Half Pay for feven Years to the Officers of the Army who
tbould continue in Service to the End of the War, be extend-
ed to the Widows of thefe Officers who have died or fhall
hereafter die in the Service, to commence from the Time of
fuch Officers Death and continue for the Term of feven Years,
or if th-re be no Widow, or in Cafe of her Death or Intermar-
rige, the faid Half Pay to be given to the Orphan Children
of the Officer dying is aforefaid, if he fhall have left any.
AND WHEREAS Congrets, by their faid Refolution of the
twenty-fourth Day of Augufi aforefaid, have recommended
to the Legilatures of the refpeative States to which fuch Offi-
cers belong, tomake Provilion for paying the fame on Ac.
count of the United States.
Be it therefore Ena led bv the General Afembly of Delaware. That
the Half Pay allowed by congress to the Widows or Children
of the Ufficers of the Delaware Regiment who have died or
may die in the Service of the Continent, fhall be paid to fuch
Widows or Orphan Children by this State on Account of the
United States, agreeable to the faid Refolutions.
And be it further EnaEled, That the State Treafurer for the
Time being be, and he is hereby impowered and direfied to
A                        pay

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