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1763-1769 308 (1763)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0448 and id is 1 raw text is: .Anno Regni Regis GEORG11 III. Tertio.
308                          Infolvent Debtors.
ACTS and LAWS paffed by the General Court or Affembly of His
Majefiy's Englhh Colony of Connedicut. in New-Eigland in Ame-
rca : Holden at Hartford in faid Colony, on the Second Thurfday
of .May, in the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
E 0 R G E the Third, of Great-Britain, &c. KING, Annoque
Domini, 1763*
An Act for Relief of Infolvent Debtors, who are willing to make
Difcovery of, and deliver upon Oath, their. Eftates, for their Cre-
ditors Benefit ; and to releafe fuch Debtors from Imprifonment.
I     LHEREAS Provwfons, for the Eafe and Relief of fuch Debtors who /lall be
%willing to fatisfy their Creditors to the utmoft of their Power, may likewe
Preamble.   prove for the Benefit of fitch Creditors, by preventing fuch Debtors from wafling
their Eatves, which ought to be applied towards Payment of their Debts, and a-
voiding many Inconveniences that often happen to Creditors and Debtors in Cafes of
Infolvency.        Therefore,
1)E it enaled by the Governor, Council, and Repreentatives, in General Court
ertosooni-     afemb.ed, and by the Authority of the fame, That any Perfon or Perfons
edingoalw      heretofore have been, or hereafter fhall be arrefted at the Suit of any
ling to give  Creditor or Creditors, or charged in Executions for any Sum or Sums of
up their eftate Money, and thereon conined in Goal, who is, are, or fhall be willing to
to their credi- pay and fttisfy. their Creditors fo far as they are able, and to give up his,
tors, to exhi. her, or their EfThte or Etats for the Benefit of his, her, or their Creditors,
bit a petitio~no
.t the fop..  to be diftributed among them in Difcharge of their Debts, as far as the fame
courts, or   will extend, may exhibijt a Petitioa to the Superior Courts, or to the Judges
Judges. - Of fPid Court in the Vacation, or any two of th'm, certifying the Cafe of
his, her, or their Imprifoniten ; fetting forth a juft and true Account of all
the Sums of Money owing by him, her, or them,, and of the Perfons to
whom, and alfo a true and compleat Inventory of all his,,her, or their Eltate
or Eftates, both real and perfonal in Law and Equity, and Books, Bonds,
Note and Securities relating.to the fame, or any Part theieof, except the
neceffary wearing Apparel and fledding of fuch Debtor or Debtors; and of
his and their feveral Wives and Children, and jraying for the Relief pro-
vided in this A.
-And thereupon the faid Court, Judges, or any two of them, are hereby
impowered to adminifter to fuch Debtor or Debtors, an Oath to the Effet
You A. B. do folemnly Swear by the Everliving God, that the Petition
by you prefented, doth contain a juft and tup Account of all. the Monies
owing by you, of the Perfons to whom, and of all your Efltate, real or per-
fonal both in Law and Equity, either in Poffeflion, Reverfion, or Remain-
'The form, of 6er, to the beft of your Knowledge and Remembrance, except the neceffary
in oath to be wearing Apparel and Bedding, of yourfelf, your Wife and Children ; and
taken by    that you have not at any Time, before or fince your Imprifonment, direaly
debtors.    or indireEtly, fold, conveyed, made over, or otherways difpofed of, either
in Truft for yc'urfelf or otherwife than is mentioned in the fame Accouit,
any Part of yJour Laids, Eftate, Goods, Stock, Mbney, Debts, or other real
and perfonal Eftare, whereby. to have or receive any Benefit or Profit to
yourfelf or your Family, or with any View or Defign to deceive, injure, or
defraud any of your Creditors. - .                 So help you God.
Which Oath being taken by fuch Debtor or Debtors, the faid Court,
ereditors (n  judges, or any two of them being fatisfied of the Truth thereof, thall make
be fumimoned
to hear the  a Rule, or Order that ,te Creditor or Creditors, at whofe Suit fuch Prifoner
Petition of the or Prifoners (ball Rand committed, fhall be fummoned to appear at Time
alsior*     and Place by faid Court, Judges, or any two of them appointed for hearing
and examining the Matter of fuch Petition; and a Copy of fuch Rule and
Order (hall be ferved op fuchCreditoror Creditors, or the Attorney lait
employed by him or them, or left at their refpedive Dwelling-Houfes, or
ufual Places of Abode, Twenty Days at leaft before faid Day for hearing as
aforefaid ; and alfo Notice fhall thereupon be given, by fuch Debtor or
.ebcors, to all their Creditors, by advertifing the fame in one or more of

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