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1810 25 (1810)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0371 and id is 1 raw text is: MAY SESSION, 1810.
CHAP. 1.
An Act to incorporate the Hartford Fire Insun.
ance Company.
1B  E it enacted by the Governor and Council and Home
of Re/tre8c ntative# in General Court assembled,
That the subscribers to the Hartford Fire Insurance Com
pany, their successors and assigns, shall be and are hereby
ereated and made a corporation and body politic, by the
iame and title of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Name.
and by tha.t name shall be and are hereby made capable in
law to have, purchase, receive, possess and enjoy to them, Gcnerl pow,
and their'successors, linds, rents, tenements, herndita- ers.
mients, goods, chattels, and effects of whatever kind or
quality.-Alho, bank stock of any bank within the United
States, and the iame to sell, grant, alien and dispose of,
and to sue and be sued, to plead, and be impleaded, defend
and be defended, in all courts in this State, and other pla-
ces waatsoever.-Also, to have and use a common seal, the
same to break, and renew at pleasure..-Also to ordain. and
put in execution such by-laws and regulations as shall be
cleemed necessary and convenient, for -the srell ordering
and governing said corporation, not being contrary to this
charter, or the laws of this State, or of theUnted States.
To do and execute all and singular the matters and things
which to them shall or may appertain; subject to the rules,
estrictioos and provisions herein after provided.
§ . The capital stock-of said company, shall be one Capital vtodL-
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to he divided into
shares of fifty dollars each, which shall be paid in the fol..
-iowing manner: yiz. five per centum shall be paid in thir-
y days after the passing of this act, and five per centum
more shall be paid within sixty lays after the passing of
this act-and the remainder shall be secured by mortgage
an real estate, or by indorsed notes payable thirty days a'-
ter demanded by the presidtnt and directore ; and all notes
given -for the payment of the installment aforesaid, shall
Ise payable to order, and indorsed to the satisfaction of the
resident tnd directors

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