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1792 423 (1792)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0335 and id is 1 raw text is: ACTS AND LAW1FS.
Militia.                                   423
'd ~
Made and paffed by the General Court or Affembly of the State
of Conneaficut, in America, holdcn at New-Haven, (in faid
State) on the fecond Thurftay ofO tober, Anno Dom. 1792.
An A& for forming and condu6ing the military force of this ftate, con-
formable to the a& of congress, paffed the eight day of May, A. D.
1792, which is as follows :- An A&      more effilually to provide
for the national defence, by eftabliflhing an unifortm militia throughout
the United States.
SF. CION I. I  E it enaled b) the Senate, a;nd Ikofe of Reprcfntatives, of the United
iB States of'America, in Congfre/f aft'mled, That each and every, free b h o
able bodied white male citizen, of the re'fpeivc' flates, refident therein, who is, enry h to ll
or flall be of the age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (cx-
ccpt as is hercin aftcr cxceptel) (hall feverally and rcfpctively be enrolled in the
militia, by the captain or commanding officer ofthe company, within whofe bounds
fltch citizen flhall refide ; and that within twelve months after the pafling this a&,
it flhll at all times hereafter be the duty of every ftich captain, or commanding
oflicer of a cotpany, to enrol every fuch citizen, as aforcfaid ; and alfo thofe who
fliall, from time to time, arrive at the age of eighteen years, and under the age
of forty-five years (except as before excepted) fliall come to refide within his
bounds ; and fliall witho-t delay, notify each citizen of the faid enrolment, by t
Iropcr non-commiffioncd officer of the conyany, by whom fuch notice may be
proved. That every fuch citizen fo enrolle  and notified, flhll within lix months
thereafter, provide hinfelf with a good mufkct or firelock, a fiflicicnt bayonet
and belt, two fpare flints and knapiack, a pouch vith a box therein to contain rowi to te rr.--
twenty-four cartridgeg, fuited to the bore of his muitket or firelock, each cartridge med and acco
to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball ; or with a good rifle, knapfack, ired.
flot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls fuited to the bore of his rifle, and a
cquarter of a pound of powder ; and fliall appear fo armed, accontred and pro.
'idc d, when called out to excrcifc, or into fervice, except that when called out
on company days to excrcif  only, he may appear without a knapfack. That the
commiffion officers flall feverally be armed with a fvord or hanger, and eflon-
toon ; and that from and after five years from the pafling this ad, all iuflkers for
armingtbe iniitia, as herein requircd, flll be of bores filtflicicut for balls of the
eighteeiith part of a Pound : And every citizen fo enrolled, and providing hinfelf
vIth the arms, ammunition and accoutrements, required as aforehid, ilhall hold
the fame excmpt fiom  all fuits, dfltreflbs, executions, or falcs for debt, or for the
payment of taxes.
'' Sc. I1. A.d ke it fi/rter enajicd, That the v'ice-prefident of the United Statsc ,
the officers, Judici.ql and executive, of the United States, the members of both Eec.ue rfl
hioufes of Congrcfs, and the recpfptive oflicer, all cuftom-houfe oflicers, with their t.,
clerks, all po--oficcrs, and flge drivers, wl-.N are employed in tie care and con-
veyance of the mail ofthe pofi-oflice of the United States, all ferrymen employed
at a ny ferry on the poft-roari, all infpectors of exports, all pilots, all mariners'ac-
tually employed in the fea fervice of' any citizen or merchant within the United
States, and all perfons who are, or may hereafter be exempted by the law-3 of the
refpcaive ftates, flhall be, and are hereby exempted from military duty, notwiti-
., ridig their bring above tiohteen, ad under the age of forty-five years.'
Y y y                            S.c. III.

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