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1792 411 (1792)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0334 and id is 1 raw text is: .ICTS  IND 'L AIWS,

Senators and Reprefentatives.

Made and paffed by *the General Court or Affeanbly
of the State of Conneticut, in America, holden at
Hartford, (in faid State) on the fecond Thurfday of
May, Anno Domini, 1792.
An Aa in addition to and alteration of an A6t for regulating the
eleffion of Senators, and Reprefentatives of this State, in the
congress of the United States.
BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprejentatives in General
Court affeinbled, That in future, the Freemen of this State, fhall
ive in their votes or fuffrages for a number of perfons, not exceeding
fourteen, inftead of twelve, at the fame time, and in the fame manner,
as is provided in the fecond paragraph of faid Aft; which votes fhall
be returned to the General Affembly, as provided in faid A&:; and
that th(e fourteen perfons who have the greatefl: number of votes, fliall
be the perfons whofe names fliall be returned to the feveral towns,
to fkand in the nomination aforefaid.
And each Freeman of this State fhlall give his vote or fuifrage for a
number of perlbns not exceeding feven, inflead of five, for Reprefen-
tatives in Congrefi, in the fame manner, and at the fame time as is
provided in the third paragraph of faid Ad ; and the feven perfons wifo
flhall have the greatefl number of votes, fliall be declared to be chofen
Reprefentatives of the People of this State, in the congress of the United
States, as is dire&ed in faid Aft.
And be itfu-ther enafled by the Authority aforejaid, That the votes
or fuffrages returned to the General Affembly, as- is prefcribed in faid
Aft for perfons to fland in nomination for Reprefentatives in congress,
and alfo the votes or fuffrrages f'Or Reprefeitatives in congress, fhall
be kept fealed up, until the eighth day of the feffion of the General
Affembly to which they arc returned, and then Ihall be publicly counted
by a committee of both Houfes of the Legiflature, to be appointed for
that purpof .
T t t                       An AC

41 E.

Y4 perfont to be
nominated for
to Congefs,
7 to be chofea.
Votes when to
be opened.

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