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1780 547 (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0303 and id is 1 raw text is: Matturs in Equityt                          547
Made and palfed by the General
Court or Affembly of the Gover-
nor and Company of the State of
Connefticut, in America; holden at
Hartford, in faid State, on the
fecond Thurfday of May, .dhvw
Domin, 1 7 8 o*
An Aa, further in        Additien    to   an  A&, made
dind pat-fed by the ,Gcncral A ffembly held at
Hartford, on      the fecond     T hurfday of May,
.A. D     17 3' relative to the trial and dccifiora
of Matters in Equity.
W7 ii E R E I .  ii is :'   great fp,,ort'ance that 7ujfiee ould a
all imes be adminifrid ,peedily and without Dday ; and whereas
fundry Matters ad Caufes in Equity are now depending in the General
.dffenbly, and undetermined, which by reafn of the multiplicity and
importance of public Buinefr, cannot be heard and determined at the
Vrefent Stjjion thereof
B        E it tierefors Enbl'ed by the Goviernqr, Counci, and Repre.
fintatives, in General Court affeuibled, and by the Authority Suit  i
of the fame, That all Caufes anid Suits tor Reliid in E- quity efer
quity, now depending in the General Affembly, and    ,d to th,
undetermined, fhall bei and hereby are referred (in the Su,. Coufi:
State in which the fame now are) to the Superior Courts refpe6&-
ively, in that Coirity wherein the Petitioner or Petitioners or
either of them iie (in fuch Petition) defcribed to belong, if within
this State, othcrwife In that County -Aherein the Petitionte or
retitionees, or either of them nre, in ftich Petitioh dfcribeid to
belong, or refid, for a final Decifionr thereof : And faid.Superior
Courts are hereby fully atithorized And iripowered to hear and
determine the fame accordingly.
Provided nevertbelefs, That when the Title or Poffltr6n 'f Land
fhvill be in Difpute, in any of the Matters aforeflaid, the Trial   prayS,
refpering the fame flall be btfore the Superior Court in that
County where the Land lies.
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