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1779 507 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/ssct0298 and id is 1 raw text is: 3, ND      L A V ,SO
AflItifig the Quarter-Mafter-Gcfiera.
MA&DE and paied by ,the Geiieral
Court or Affembly of' the' Gover-
nor and company of th' State of
Coineflicu; in mrica ; ho1deri at
New-Haven, on, the fecond Thurf-
day of Oc8ober, Anio Domini, 17 76;


Mi A&      to  cornpel the     fui.rnifhing   ne-efrar   Sup   /'
plies;  and    Affifance     t    the   QarterMafler- 1\,1J
General of the Continental Army.
1_7 it EnaRhd by the Gcvernor, Couencil, apd Rcprefena e. . i.e
Gencral Court ajfembled, and by the Aluthority of the fam,,
That if any Perfon or Perfons within this Colony llall;
upon Requeft, refufe to fell or ftipply to the Quarter-
Maf'ters-General of the Continental Arm'y the Artictes of
Timber; Boards, Shingles; Brick or Stone, or to fell or lt their
Horfes, Oxen, Carts or Carriages for tranfporting the lathe, or to
furnifh any other neceffary Supplies and Affiftance for the Ufe, of  
faid Army, it fh.ll be the Duty of any one Aifilant or Juftice of the ,r tr
The Peace within this Colony, and they. are hereby ordered and  t&i cn.
direaed' bpon Application to them made by any fuch Quarter- any A',tick
MafterI or Quarter.Mafters; their Agent or A gents, to grant a proper  ur o t
. g   t  gran  a  pr pe  nA y,  he
Warrant or Warrants, for the impre ing from any fuch Perfon cr fme to bt
Perfons fo refting, any of the nece ary Articles or Thing afbre- aken by
aid  or of any other Article er,Thing needful for'the Support or ',,rr:.
Supply of faid.Army. or for the Tranfportation of the fame, direaed
to the Sheriff, his Deputy, Conftable, or any indifferent. Perbn
-,ith.in the County where .ffch Application flall be made ; who
sall imprefs, and caufe an Apprizement to be made thereof, bl
tvo or more indifferent Men within faid County, to be, appointed
1&y the Authority granting fuch Warrant' at the juf and true
Value; and deliver the fame to faid Quarter Mafter or Quarter-
Nafters, their Agent or Agent,, he or they paying to Owner o:
Owners thlereof, or into the Hands of fuch Officers who ral! impre._
h&' fatme, the Sum or Sums at which the faid Article or Thing irol
I   p aprifed as aforefaid; or fo much as flhall be reafonable for tlhe
tie of fuchl Horfe or Horfes, Oxen, Cart or Carriages, where the
fame (hall b returned again to tht Owners thereof' by his own Con-
Int and Agreeeint.
N   L . P  L  0 N  D   0  N:
P'ifted by '7. Green, Printer to flie Go. crnor and Company, . -!

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