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1 Paul C. Klimas, Darrieus Wind Turbine Program at Sandia Laboratories [1] (1979)

handle is hein.space/dswdtne0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                                                              6AS    -7q       7L(
                     DARRIEUS  WTND TURBINE PROGAM
                         AT SAIDIA LABORATCRIFS            -    -
                                                           ThI. fePrl  prptd a -n . - I of rk
                                *p nued by t:                     r a , Unted S ntte r nn. Ne
                                . C. Klin as               Unted St. nor the I:nted Stan, Dprtment
                           Sandis Laboratories             En.  - z( yMn emPloyer. nm o- ayhn,
                       Aerodynamics Departmrent 5630.      -K:;'
                         Albuquerque, NM  87185             -dn'f'f*    -ato
                                                           proces d6-doaed.   nprsent that 11s U.e  _Wud not
                              - anfIsM P p-wtey omed neon.

                                     DISTrIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED

 The objective of the Darrieus  Wind Turbine Program at  Sandia Laboratories
 is to develop and transfer  the necessary information  associated with
 vertical axis wind turbines  (vA:.Ts) to allow commercial companies the
 opportunity to develop, manufacture  and sell VA'.Ts. First-level  aero-
 dynamic, structural, testing and  systems analyses capabilities  have
 evolved to support and evaluate  complete systems desicns,  and contracts
 have been let which are planned  to result in the completed  installation
 of a low-cost 17m VAW:T by February 1981.  A number of potential  im-
 provements have been identified  during this first level design  cycle
 which may substantially lower future  system costs.


 The Darrieus Wind Turbine Prograv. at Sandia Laboratories began  in its
 present form in 1975.  The pror:=  objecti-0- was and is the development
 and transfer of necessary information  asscciated with vertical  axis
 wind turbines (VA'rTs) tc allow commercial companies the opportunity  to
 develop, manufactare and market VAW:Ts.  This. paper cutline_ the aoroaches
 taken to meet this objective and describes  the results of the  first-
 level complete design cyc].e as well as potential system improvements
 uncovered during this cycle.



 A workable knowledge of VAWT aerodynamics  is needed for two aspects  of
 turbine design, performance evaluation and  as input to structural  codes.
 Aerodynamic calculations at present are based  primarily on conservation
 of momentum models.  These rante in complexity  from single streartube
 models (SIMOS, (1]) accessing blade airfoil  section data for one value
 of chord Reynolds number (Re) to multiple  streamtube versions (DARTER,
 [2]) which utilize section data for an arbitrary  set of Re's.  When
 only performr.nce information is of interest an extremely fast working
 algorithm (PA3.s?, [3]) is available. PAREP  references curve fits of
 various results taken from both analysis and  experiment.  Gross per-
 forman'e characteristics can be reliably predicted  by all. of the above
 codes. Accurate  local blade load predictions  are not so accurately
made.  The streantube  models are substantially  deficient in. this- regard.
This shortcoming  has motivated the development of  a vortex filament

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