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Respublica versus Honeyman U.S. 228 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ussccases0059 and id is 1 raw text is: 2             CAsgg ruled and adjudged in thle
1 795. to employ all the legitimate means of coercion in his power, fhv
,Y-' fecuring and r eftoring the negro to the fervice of his owner,
•whitherfoever he might be afterwards carried.
Verdi&t, NOT GUILTY.
T HIS was a writ of error to remove the proceedings in the
cafe of a convi&ion for murder, -at a Court of Oyer and
Y-erminer, and general goal delivery, held in Alegbeny County.
On the return of the Record the defendant affigned the Gene.
ral Errors, and the Attorney General replied, in nullo efl er-
ratum. The indifrnent was fet forth in the following words
c  Altlegheny County, f.
THE grand inqueft for the County of Allegheny aforefaid
-upon their oaths, and folemn affirmations, refpe&ively, do pre-
fent that James Honeyman late of th' Town of Pity/burg-, in the
County of 4llegheny, labourer, not having the fear of God be-
fore his eyes, but being moved and feduced by the inftigation
of the Devil, on the Twenty-Third Day'of Novenber in the
Year of Our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ninety-
Three, at the Town of Pity/burg, in the County aforefaid  in
and upon one Be;ijamin Ajkins, in the peace of God, and of the
Commonwealth of Pentifylvania, then and there being, feloni.
oufly, wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did make an af-
fault; and that the faid Yames Honeyman, with both the handr
and feet of him the faid Yames Honeynan, in and pon, the body
of him the faid Benjamn AJkins, did flrike, kick and brufe, and'
knock to the ground ; giving to the faid Benjamin 4/kins, then and
there, with the hands and feet of him, thiefaid 7ames Honeyman,
by the firking, kicking and knocking to the ground of the laid
Benjamin 4Jkins, feveral mortal bruifes, of which mortal bruifes
the aforefaid Benjamin Afjkin, then and there, inflantly died;
And fo the jurors aforefaid, upon their oaths and folemn affrma-
tions aforefaid, refpeaively, do fay that the faid James Honeyman,
the faid Benjamin A4jkins, then and there, in manner Pnd form
aforefaid, feloniotfly, wilfuly and of his malice aforethought,
did kill and murder, againft the peace and dignity of.the Com-
monwealth of Pennylvania, &c.
Dallas, for the defendant, made two exceptions: if. That
the indiCtmcnt does not ftate the grand inqueft to be held c in
;Lnd for the Commonwealth of Penn5'tvania; but only -for the
County of Allegheny, which may be out of the jurifdi&'ion of
thie 8tate i and, ;d. That, although the a/1auftis flated to have

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