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Jacob Resler v. James Shehee U.S. 110 (1801)

handle is hein.slavery/ussccases0053 and id is 1 raw text is: SUPREME COURT U. S.

U. STATIS But yet where a treaty is the law of the land, and as fuch
T/.    affe&s the rights of parties litigating in court, that treaty
SCHoONER as much binds thofe rights andis as much to be regarded
PG        by the court as an a6t of congress; and although reftoration
nmly be an executive, when viewed as a fubftantive, a&
independent of, and unconneded with, 6ther circunm-
ftances, yet to condemn a veffel, the reftoration of which
is direded by a law of the land, would be a dirc&k infrac-
tion of that law, and of confequence, improper.
It is in the general true that the province of an appel.
late court is only to enquire whether a judgment when
rendered was erroneous or not. But if fubfequent to the
judgient and before the decifion of the appellate court, a
law intervenes and pofitively changes the rule which go-.
verns, the law muff  e obeyed, or its obligation denied.
If the law be conflitutional, and of,that no doubt in the
prefcnt cafe has been 'expreflkd, I know of no court
which'can cont~ft its obligation. It is true that in mere
private cafes between individuals, a court will and ought
to firuggle hard againft a conftru&ion which will, by a
retrofpe&ive operation, affe& the rights of parties, but in
great national concerns where individual rights, acquired
by War, are facrificed for national purpofes, the contraa,
making the facrifice, ought always to receive a conftru&ion
conforming to its manifeft import; and if the nation has
given up the vefted rights of its citizens, it is not for the
court, but for the government, to confider whether it be a
cafe proper for compenfation. In fuch a cafe the court
muft decide according to exifling laws, and if it be necef-
fary to fet afide a judgment, rightful when rendered, but
which cannot be aftiiied but in violation of law, the judg-
ment muff be fet afide.
.fe tTiswas a writ of error upon a judgment or the
After the firfl:        was
term next fol.. circuit. court of the diftri& of Columbia, fitting at Aiex-
lowing an otfice andria, in an acion for a malicious profecution brought
judgment, in
Virginia, it i, by Shehee v. Refler, originally in the court of huffings
a mater of  for the town of Alexandria, and transferred by aa of

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