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Brig Caroline, William Broadfoot, Claimant, v. The United States U.S. 496 (1813)

handle is hein.slavery/ussccases0010 and id is 1 raw text is: SUPREkVE COUTRT ti. S.

OL  .zt    fAn sumA, Ch. J. My own opinion was that ihe
v     jury was to find the fact Whethtr there wais danger in
kARYiD.pikssing betweeh Ba.celodna ahd. Salou, and that they
mvs. co. ought to have been instricted that if there was danger
it justified the del9y, otherwise notd

iFi .
Feb.   240th.

ERlRlfit to the Circuit Court for tie dishict of
South Cardlina, in a case bofseizitre for violation of the
fnt in -      Vln ..a 4of., f; t +1   1r 4-r un

A libel for     *JLL O                L OY       UC
a fqrreiture
must be Prr-  The libel was in the words followig -
tieular and
e rtain m all
the material  At a special district Court for South Carolina
cLI1h rSasiee district., Be it remembered, That on the     day
tute the of- of        in the year of our Lord tine thousand eight
fence.    hundred and          tle United States of America, by
An informal  ..
libel or nfer. Thomas Parker, thir attorney fur the district afore-
mationmrem, said, came here irto Court and gave ThQmas Bee, esq.
ma e a'-
maeded b judge of the said Couk't to understaiid and i- informed
leave of  that on the          day of           theyj 'the. said
Cour.     United States, by their proper officers of tho customs,
did cause to be seized, arrested and secured, a certain
brig or vessel, called the Caroline§ her tackle9 furniture,
apparel and other appurtenances, as forfeited to them,
the said United States, for that the said brig or'vessel
since the twenty-second day of Mtrh, ib791p was built,
fitted, cquipped  loaded, or otherwise prepared within
a port or place of the said Utiited States, or caused to
sail from a port or place of the said United States, by f
citizen or citizens of the said United States, or a fo-
reigner, or other persons coming into, or residing in the
same, either as master, factor, or owner of the said brig
or vessel for the purpose of carrying on trade or traffic
in slaves to a foreign country, and also for that the
said brig or vessel since the day and year last afore-

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