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An Act to amend and re-enact the Sixteenth Section of Chapter one hundred and fifty-one of the Code of eighteen hundred and sixty, in relation to attachments. 1863 15 (1863.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0840 and id is 1 raw text is: PENITENTrAltY.

3. The governor may from time to time proscribe rules, not con- Onyvrnor to
trary to law, for the preservation of tile property at, and tile healthprescribe rules
of the convicts in the penitentiary, and the government of the inte-
rior thereof. Printed copies of such of the said rules as may relate 1'rinieu copica to
to tile government and punishment of the convicts, and of any pro- t,,posted in
• o  ,p prion.
visions of law which tie governor may.direct, shall he pstoillp il
at least six conspicuous places of the interior. 'Tile clerk of the Recordt of con.
penitentiary shall file and preserve the record of thui trial and cuii- viclen  nd ro.
viotion of cach convict, and keep a register deeribing him, the time gister to bo kept
of his confinement, fier what offence, and when 'received into the
4. Whlen a person, other than a married woman, is sentenced to Rna nnd per.
confinement in the penitentiary for more than a year, the estate of PMIil C.1ate of
elaIVIrtH1 other
such convict, if lie have any, both real and personal, shall, on the than mniil,
motion of a party interested, he Committed, by the clrt of the wonlun to he
Commit ted to a
county or corporation in which his estate, or sonic part thereof, niy conlottied lIp.
lie, to a person selected by the court, who, after giving bond before bhtted by tie
tile said court, in mulh penalty asit may preseribie, siall have charge  l to  e
of the said estate until snch convict is discharged front coinement. l,.n.ity
5. Such committee inay sue anld 1le sued it, respect to the debts Commimtte mey
due to or by such convict, and any other of the convict's estate, and tie and tit mied
shall have the privilege of an administrator as to tile right of ?letaiu-
ig for his own debt. Ie slhall allow (subject to tle claitts of cre-
ditors) a sufficient inaintenanee out of the convict's-estate for his
wife and family, if any; tille wife, to le entitled, so long as 1to is con-
lined, to the profits of such portion of his estate as site would have,
had he died intestite.
6. The committee shall render accounts of his trust, and may he Coittnleo to
nade to accoutt therefor, aid slill le entitled to compensation for render neouits
-- of  it trut
his services, and may forfeit his right thereto, ill the sane nanner ns IIi c,,,,t,,sa
if h  were an itdiniitrator or guardian.  Every such cominittee i,.
shall deliver such estate as lie may  e lioble for at that tiie, to tile T  on i -tO
convict on his discharge, or to his real and personal representatives, itthargo
on his death before being discharged.
7. If tile person so appointtd refuse the trust, or fail to give bond ir eninilitem, ,ep.
as aforesaid, the court, on like motion, shall contutit tile estate to the 1ioitd refuse
the trust tor f,,il
slerifr of the county, or sergeant of tile corporation, who shall he to gmv h.,,
the conmmittee, and he and the 8ureties in his official bond shall be cOurt to commit
etatls to oliri~r
bound for tile faithful perforuntuee of tile trust.               or trg'eant
8. The real estate of sutch convict may ie sold, when necessary Win £.1 tow
for the paymnent of his debts, in the sane manner as the real estate -,,e,, Of Covict
of anl insane person ill the hunds of 4t comnmittee.               t li Fol
9. Every convict, when first brought to tlo penitentiary, shall be PersonaI treat.
washed, cleaned and ept in a separate lodgitig until tie surgeon   ' .    '
certifies that lie is fit to he put among the othler prisoners; and tile
clothes lie wore shall he eithter destroyed, or purilied and preserved
until he is discharged, and then returned to him, or they may le
disposed of as the prisoner may desire, with the consent of tile su-
perintendent.      '
10. All money found otn the person of a convict, and all money 1mv mney of
which may be lawfully and properly received after his countittal, shall tonvict to ho
.  •    •      .(llisp0iteI or
be charged to the penitentiary, attd le paid to him ont of lhe fund
if the penitentiary when lie shall le discharged, or for good cause,
in the 'opinion of the superintendent, may be used forit his or her
benefit. Before any male prisoner shll be pertnitted to labor in the (.eluirtd
shops, or elsewhere ott of his roon, lie shall make aid subscribe such to itiiec'ih
promise of obedience and fidelity to the rules aMi orders of the insti- rme
tutin as shall be prescribed by the governor. And it shall he tile low dinployted
duty of' the superintendent, as far as practicable, to provide suitable
employment in separate rooms for the refractory and obstinate, and
for those of disordered minds, or who for tny oause are. unfit to b6
congregated in the shops.

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