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An Act to incorporate the Ashland hotel and mineral well company. 1857-1858 252 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0736 and id is 1 raw text is: MINING AND MArUFAOTURING COMPANIES.

President and  7. The affiairs of the company shall be managed hsy a president, who shall be
directors.   a director, and four other directors, and tile time for the first election for presi.
dent and directors by tile subscribers, shall be appointed by tile afore nanied per-
sons, or any three of the,,; and tntil such election, the said persons shall have
and exercise all tile powers of said directors, designating sonie one of theim to
act as president.
Speciatmeetings, 8. speial meetings of tie stockholders of said company toay be called by a
how called,  majority of tili directors, or by oe or more stockholders holding one-fifth of' the
capital stock  of said colipany.
Commencement   9. Thiis act shall comnmence and te in re from its passage, and shall ie
subject to any aiendien l, alteration or modification, at the pleasure of the ge.
ieral asseinhby.
CUAP. '11S.-An ACT to incorporate the Virginia water power and manufac.
turing company.
Passed January 27, 1858.
Virgtnta water  1. B3e it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, that William K. Smith,
powerand mnnu. John F. Cowan and Henry 11. Elliott, ind such other persomis as may hereafter
facturag coal. be associtted with then, shall he and tire hereby incorporated and nado t a body
rated        politic and corporate, under ili nuine  id sty(. of le Virgii Water Power
and Manufacturing Company.
Books, %%,here  2. That tile aove niaied parties shall have power to open books of stilbscrip-
and by whom  tion for the forioation of said company in the town of Frederickshrg ; and the
opened,      said company are hereby invested with all tile rights, privileges unid powers, and
subjected to all the restrictions and limitations conferred ind iinposed iupon such
bodies politic and corporate, by the fifly.sixth and tilly.seventh chapters of the
Code of Virginia, so fhr as they are applicable to aiit not inconsistenit with the
powers Iereti granted and contained.
Real estate.   3. That tile said company shall have power to purchase and hold real estate
and water and tianufactur.Ig privileges in tile cinnties ot' Staillrd and Spot.
sylviiia, including tile corporutioni of Fredericksburg, not exceeding five hanl.
dred acres in each county, and may sell, lease, rent or otherwise dislposo of tile
saei, and nay also naitlinctt re vegetable, minora ald ot iniil snltanccs.
Capital.       4. Tlhat the capital stock of said company shall not lie less thai fifty theosatnd
dollars ior tmoro than three millions dollars, to be divided into shares of one
hutdred dollars eachd.
May contract   5. That the said company shall have power and atthority to agree atl coll.
with Fredericks. tract with the president aid directors of tile Ralla tholllloCk caial cnmipatny, tnd
burg walerom liso with tim president atid directors of' tlie Fredericksburg water power col.
plany.       pany, for tile pnrchase, lease, or ny other nse of its works 'iund other property.
Commencement   6. This act shall te in farce frot its passage, and shall le subject to iny eiiend-
wett, ulteration or modification, at tie pleasure of tile general assembly.
CHAP. 419.-Aii ACT to incorporate the Virginia glass comnpany it Port Mayo
itt tile county of Heturico.
Passed February 19, 1858.
Virgtina glass  1. Be it enacted by the general assombly of Virginia, that Jacob S. Allee,
mnnufacturtng  Richard 0. llaskins, tobert A. Mayo, Jacob Leigh, IHorti Suidi, find such
company incor, otiler persons 1s lay heretfter be associated witlt thein, slitill lie end they tire
poated.     hereby incorporated atid nmd a body politic and corporate, nttder tile iiitie tind
style of The Virginia Gltss Manitcturing Company, for the iltriose of ititt.
fatcturing glass ait Port Miyo inl the cointy iif licorico; and the said ctmpany
are hereby invested with iill tile powers ind priviliges coniferrod, und iiado
subject to till the rules, regulutions and restrictions imposed by the fifty-sixth and
fifty-sevenths chapters of the Code of Virginia, so fir as tile isaie tire not ilcoit.
sistent with the provisions of this act.
Capital.       2. 1e capital stock of tile said company @hall not lie less thtn twelty.five
thousand dollars nor more than two hundred tilousand dollars, to lie divide into
Real estate.  shares of fifty dollars each; and it shll te lawful for the said company to pur
chase and holu lands lit said Port Mayo in said county of Ilenrico, not less than
one acre nor nore then oie htndred acres in qnantty.
Commencement   3. This act shall be in force from its passage, and shall le stbject to tiny altra.
tion, modification or amendment, at the pleasure of the general tsateibly.
CiA.iP. 420.-Au ACT to incorporate tlte Ashland hotel and minteral well
Passed January 4, 1058.
Ashland hotel  1. Be it onacted by the general assembly, that Edwin Robinson, Joseph I I.
and mineral well Snead, John L. Thompson, William Attderson, Francis J. Smith, Williams F.

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