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An Act to prevent free negroes and slaves from owning dogs in the counties of Essex, King and Queen, James City and New Kent. 1857-1858 152 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0731 and id is 1 raw text is: COUNTIES. ,

after deducting the delinquents and a commission of five per contam; and ho
shall moreover be liable for the tax assessed upon every dog enumerated in said
list, as ho shall fail to return a satisfactory account to tbh court.
Liability of   8. In collecting and accounting far the dog tax of the said county, the sheriff
sheritY,     shall be allowed the like compensation as is allowed for collecting coounty levies,
and be liable oi his oflicial bond in like manner tiherelor.
Compensation of  9. The said sleriff and commissioners of the revenue shall each be allowed a
sheriffs and com- reasonable compensation for the services required of thems by this act, to be fixed
missioners.  by the county court, ..oid paid oit of the dog tax.
Proceeds of tax,  10. All money arising from the said tax on dogs in the said county shall, after
how applied.  paying il reasonable expensOs and comtissions attending the oxecaLtill of the
said law, be paid over and applied to the payment of the county levies for tbo
said county.
Penalty against  1 I. 'The sheriff of the said county shall annually, at the January term of stid
Elieriliffur failare court, mae a return oC the mtannier in which lie has discharged the dity required
of duty.     ofr him by the sixth section ofr this act; and for any failuro to discharge the duties
required or. him lby this act, lie shall be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred
dollars, to be fixed at the discrotion of ilie court, and recoverable with costs.
Against commis.  12. The comnissioiers of the reveniie for the said county, npolt a failure to
sloners.     discharge any of the dluties required of them by this act, shall be finied, at the
discretion of the said court, for every such failure, a sum not exceeding fifty
Fines, how dls.  13. Any fines that may be recoverable under this act, shiall be applied and ac*
posed of,    counted fur in the same  ianer as the tax imposed by the said act.
Commencement   14. This act shall be in orce from its passage.
CItIAI. 245.-An ACT to prevent free negroes and slaves from owning dogs in
time counties of Essex, King & Queei, James City and Now Kent.
Passed tarch 29, 1858.
Slaves and fieo  1. Be it enacted by the general ussembly, that it shall not be lawfrl, under tiny
negroes i cer. prelenco whatever, fir a slave, free ticro or oiiulatto in the coaltiies of Essex
tate COunt~ies not0
aiuthorizet to  and Kiig & Queen, James City and New Kent, to keep or own it (log ov lly
Own dogs.    descri ptioi; tllr shall ally sucb slave, free negro or uilato lie permitled to pass
throagh tilly part of said counties, lavig a dog with hint or theil, w thouit tile
permission in writing from thia owner of the slave or dog; and ill case (or Caniy
violation of this section, it shall be lawful for liny jtstice if the leaice for sh[Il
Collnties, upOl ti1 cinhtilaint of all) person, to punish such slave, free negro or
mlatto with any anumher of stripes not exceeding tirty-nine; atnd also to impose
a file not exceeding live dollars for every sach violaion, to be paid iy such free
nogro or nulatto ; and ill Ibo cise of a slave, by his owner or hirer.
pnes under this  2. All money aridieg from fines iltposed iy Iis nt shall, after payilg all
aet, bow dis.  reasonable COlnimeis0ion s sli1 expenses, be pail over to Ile s periittedeats of
posed of.    schools of the said counties, and 1 a ll constitilte a portion of the school find of
the said coities of Essex, King & Qiteen, James City and New Kent.
Commencement   3. This act shall be in force from its passage.
CtAr. 216.-An ACT to amend and reenact the second and third sections of
an lct establishig .the colltly of Calh1ouni, passed the fifth of Mlarch eighteen
hndred and fifty six, so as to authorize tile voters to select by vote tile county
Hati .
Passed March 29, 158.
Acts 1835-50.  1. Be it enacted, that the second. and third sections of nin act pas~ed the ith
of march eLighteen handred and tifty.six, 10 establisl tile COllty ofr Caihotunt, be
almended and re enacted so 11s ito read tis follows :
Poll to be opened   § 2. Be it enacted by the general assembily, that it shall be the duty of the
for selection of a oflicers conductilg elections il lea colnty of' Callhoun, at the places of holding
courtiiouse.  elections itt the said county for sheriff und olher countly olicers, nli the fourth
'lhursday ill May next, to open it poll flor the pnrlrse of us erta iioinig tlhe sense
of file voters of said collnty of' Chioun, as to %viat point or ptlace tley ntly
Places voted for. prefer 1as t site for the permanent seat of justice for said county. The said p,oll
shall contain one column, Jeaded For Yellow Creek, tnd also another colllnU
to bo headed For Arnoldsburg ; and the laies of til) voters rhall lie written
ill that colanii  headed will, the lo of the place voted for. Tilo oflicors coll.
dulcting said election slhlli poll the vote of every person aplyihg to vote, who is
itialified according tO the constitution and laws of this CotLllotiweaitll to Vote
Ior a delegate to tie general assembly.
Proceedings In   § 3. The said officers conducting said election shall Ieep the said poll open
the election  as long as it is ke lit open for til election of said sheriff and other olliceors, and
therefor.     shall proceed with ald certify and return the salie to the clerk of the county
court in the sattie manner that they are required by law to proceed with, certify
and'return the poll taket by thein for a delegate to the general assembly ; and

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