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An Act making it a felony for a life tenant of a slave to remove him out of the state, or to sell or transfer any greater interest in such slave than a life estate, without the consent of those in reversion or remainder, with intent to defraud and deprive such reversioner or remainderman of his interest in such slave. 1857-1858 40 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0727 and id is 1 raw text is: PENITENTIARY.-FELONY.

the commonwealth for transporting them to and rom work, fr for maintaining,
superviohig and guarding theti , except that when emploved on a work owned
wholly by the comznionwealth, stch expenses auty be paid out of any funds up.
plicable to the construction, maintenance or repair of such work.
Cn.r. 30.-An ACT to iniend and re-enact the Lot and 34th sections of chap.
ter :!13 of the Code of Virginia.
aseed April 7, 198.
Code, p. 700-7,94.  1. Be it enacted hy tho general assembly of Virginia, that the first and thirty-
fourth sections of chapter two hundred and thirteen of tie Code of Virginia be
and the saute are hereby anended and re enacted as fillows, to wit .
Who confined In   § 1. The public jail and penitentiary.honuso shall continue under the name
penitentiary,  of ite Penitentiary ; to be appro priated to the confinement (if convicts sen-
tenced according to low to coninement therein by Ile courts of this Cunition-
United States  weahh. Persons setenced to ioiprisonment by a court of tile United States,
prisoners, under held in Virginia, for a term of three years or more, may also be confined therein,
what conditions
to be confined. vilh the approbation of the superintendetit and board of directors (which apl-
probation shall be recorded on the journal of the said board), and be safely
kept and employed, pursuant to the rules of tile prison, so far as is not incon-
sislent with such sentence, until discharged hy due course of the laws of the
United States: provided, that before any other such priasner shall be received
in said penilentiary, the United States shall pay the solos now due or which shall
be due for the contineient  ind sipprt of their prisoners. and it) future, pay
half yearly, at the rate of thirty cents per day for tile imprisonment and soppolt
of every such prisoner now in prison or hereafter so imprisoned, with proper
medical charges.
Residence of   'S 34. ''Ito superintendent may reside in the front building of the peniten-
superintendent. tiary, and shall be allowed his fuel.
Commencement   2. This act shall be in force Froiii the passage thereof.
Cn.re. 31.-An ACT making it a felony for a life tenant of a slave to rettove
him tout of the state, or to sell or transfer atuy greater interest in , uch slave
that it life estate, withoutt the cotsent of those in reversion or remainder,
with intent to defrand and deprive such roversioner or remainderilan of his
interest ini such slave.
Passed )larch 15, 1852.
Felony for      1. Be it enacted ty the general assenitly, that if aly tenant fir life of a slave
tenants or life  shall remove hilt, or permtit his removal nt tit' the state, or shill sell or transfer
to alienatp a  any greater interest in such slave than a lifo estate, without the consent of those
stave.       it reversitin or remainder, witht intent to defraud and deprive such reversiuner
or reinainderun of his interest in such slave, the person so l'rending shall be
deemed guilty of a felony, and be confined in the penitentiary not less thaill ite
tier nore thant two years.
Commencement    2. This act shall be in force from its passage.
Citap. 32.-An ACT to antend anti re-enact the 12th section of chapter 192 of
the Code of Virginia.
Passed March 29, 15M.
Code, p. %9.    1. Be it enacted by the general assenbly of Virginia, that the twelfth sectin
of chapter one hundred and ninety-twod of the Code of Virginia be anuended
and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
Bur;lary defined    12. Il' a free person shall in the night enter without breaking, or shall in
and punished,  the day timue break and enter a dwelling-louse, or an out-house adjoinig thereto
and occupied therewith, or shall ita the night time enter wittot breaking, Vr
break anti enter either in the day title or night tittle, any tflice, shop, stire-house.
ware-house, banking-house, or other house, or ainy ship or vessel, within ihe
jurisdiction of any county, with intent to commit murder, rape er ribbery, lie
shall be confined in the penitenttiary not less than three nor toure than tell years.
Commencement    2. This act slall be in force froii its passage.
C AP. 33.-An ACT to anend sections three and six of chapter 193 of the
Code of Virginia, so as to provide more etfectually for the punilient of the
critae of forgery.       Passed March 29, 155.
Code, p.,3447.  1. Be it enacted hy tile general asseuibly, that the third ant sixth sections of
chapter one hundred and ninety-three of the Code of Virginia be anieuded and
re.enacted so as to read as follows:

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