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An Act providing for the employment of negro convicts on the public works. 1857-1858 39 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0726 and id is 1 raw text is: BEGISTIRATION.-NEGRO            CONVICTS.                                 31
pies., Thi same shall be printel end bound in n style equal i every respect to
ila first etilii ; for the primlng nud! bi udi hg of which, he shall he alleed a sim
nlt exceediing two dillrs find flfzy'centi per copy ; the Ulonlit to be paid hy
the secretary of ilia ceiutnilweanith. Tile tamouont so ascertiined ial| lie paid
tipett lia cirlificato of said secretary, by wirrant ofr the auditor of public ac.
collmiti, (tilt oi'aly iOniay il the treasury lint otherwise auppropritnd.
2. It o1hil Ie the dity or tle said public prihter to soti ro tile copy right or Copy right to le
sald reptortt ror the hiitefit or ilia coIIinu  eiilill. %Vhiei thei sihl edilion is secured to state.
irilei ntd hoind, lie shIll deliver the samie to the secretary or tile couluon'.
welth, Ilt coltitute it part or the library fiti.d.
3. ''his act slhall be in force frent its passuge.                           Commencement
C AP. 28.-An ACT to ament antd reienat the nct passed 1 ith or April 1853,
cotccrning ilie registration eIro hirths find niurriages.
P,tpscd Apil 7, 1858.
1. Be it e0iracted by the goiterel asseblily. that the secotin], telethl, eleveuthi aid Acts 1852-3,
twelfili socti:iisi of tilt let eutled tilt nt etitcernitig th regititraliti  o births, p.,40-41.
mtrringe. fill(] deathe, pssmel April eleventh, eighteu httdred find filly.threc, be
atilded ointd ro-a.micted sit its to red u?; foliows:
 § 2.  lclcolirtlh it shall lie the duty orf every miister or oilier person cele. Duty of rini.
Itratiig it nnrriiiga, n it iif he clerk or keeper of tie rccerd-i of ftity reli.gitis ters.
society which mtietitii?.ts mlarrilges by Iliae etuSelt tef tho  rte hi  i opell con.
gr'egalili, at colce to  tak it a rectrd o r every marriage ItetwveLit white pur ons
tuoleliuim.ot Ity ttr befin hii, tillt withiit twit Ituthti  after such tittirrbigo to
re1   tipy ieretig sigluud by himti, tio the tclerk of the cOtlty or eorporittin
ill wi ii the stne h 1 tIn es uteoitz.ed. The clerk ite tuing fity marriitgt icete, siil!
tit tie litlO reqnire atnd asecertauil frotu the party ohtaitiing sicih licetee, a certili-
cite setllitlg forth, tie tomir  itily he, thlu tiL 111t4 ]1)1co i' the prira)oteto l ittar.
ringe, tlh l'ill offties er h ,th the pirtite1, their lige  ail codiduis birtre the
intirringe (whether single tr widttwed), ilti llaces or their birth and residenice,
the nittes o their |pi, ttd the hcctiltiiiO (if =ini htsibaid.''
 § I0. The cOii Aitei itter shll nipliltetiily tirrltmigo eith of tila hank o Cfomlissloer's
to lii kept ty hit, tin slit! intlu eand oierilbt till eliilavit thercit, liite eli'ect aflidavit.
that lie alt4 pursued ilt directioi  ii this act, neirdittg  t tile licst tIf lik skill;
na d lie shall return Iii said books to the clerk of the court of ilia coulty ot or
bl'ire the first iay of Julia.
§ 11. Such clerk shall thereupon record a full abstract of din eontentt of Dity of clerk h
the  %;titi  btok, cltlnlitling  aI record  (it' hirtho, ill ilis isid  register of' Iirthq, 6eltill   register oc'
forth. ill cotveutitt tabunlar form, till tile circhtit-littce heritiu tleirt retjaireu births.
to ie recorded, with r,'If're  e ) to the col toi 4itiouer.4' booti aid titikiig ill
tililitltictl iudex of 1ii1 ltimtes it' lie free clildrit horl, td (whtei tiey hlav
1tt Iitt1e) it tile uhaiiles or the pare its  neud tils of the nitiies of tile Uwtiers of
Iia slaves lii.t
1 l12. lie rlill ii like ilnitir rcecord fitl tllbsiract of the contents of tile Of deaths.
ltd hitok, clutitttillg ii record of' ileatlt, ili hik said regieter t f delbe, setting
furtih, ill coiveiielt tultlar foru, till the cirttuin.htced hereii bef'ore reuired
It io  recorded, with  reference  lit lii , t ttt ltlliqeittier'.i  )itik, afi llitiki   fill titiilt.
belicn itilex ir the tiattle of tie deceased, und tha uanitis o' the owters of
decuasetl slaves.
2. This act slhiall be in force from its passage.                             Commencement
C ,AP. 29.-An ACT providing fur the etoplttytnent of tsegro convicts on the
pullie works.
Passed April 7,1858.
1. Ile it enacted hty the general assittly, that ilte governor of iha common- Goeraor to
wealih shall, .t hi.i dlitreiitntil, ility emp io   the i ti tlie wyorki, ownted wholly or cimpoy negro
retivicts o the
iii  part I l ia  cttllt ilWeitl l iOr  tilly  free  t etroee  laretifra   tir  w h o  lilly  ..a . .ee o ilrtil
'ill puli .a              ivO  urks.
lieroat'hr lie selittilied tol cieiltiettit iii the  tettieittiary. duritig the whole or
atly pertioli or ie terit for which they Itmity lie si sutttetlidtl.
2. 'ait the goverloor' Ilia colttl taltlh shall, at hiq di.4eretiitU, likewise Also slaves to be
eniptoy ipll i tho said piilic wotrk  ill hr fity slaves who have hees hitretohire or llaOrtcd.
wvhlti t  hty hereafter Ito stiltetcel .  * lv tihe cfrl I sale alld trutlt.imortitlit hteyonil
the I lltitw Ith tile Uitied Siates, or ,who have [)ell or iity hereatller lie cotvicted
of all 4t1Thl:i, tie putishlilt (ite' which hats beeni or itay be comtiutited by the
gov',erlmir inltO , sle and Irnmi~porintitinh
.. 'Tati tle sil cOtivicI shtIl lii b  employel itpot itie sid workis, iupon stul'h Uner wht
terml n lld iller slchl relui liid regulatiOn4. ei- ilia governor imay pre~crilht, ill termis employed.
order to* liriolo ilit' eicientt lirec in til' tht'ir littor itt it tre their sat', keeping:
provided, that iu every case they shall be so Cmpiloyed without any expese tlit Expense not
churgeable to
the state.

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