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An Act providing for the establishing, construction and keeping in repair the public roads in the county of Augusta, and certain other counties therein mentioned. 1855 149 (1855)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0717 and id is 1 raw text is: COUNTY ROADS.

sureties shall be liable oln their official hinds, upon motion in said court.,
for any money received by them, wlich they may be liable to pay by
virtue of this act.
11. Tlhe said county courts of the aforesaid counties of ohio, Jeffer- Rteelverstobo
sits tlnd lrooke shall each appoint soele fit person in their respective aippointed.
counties to receive from tilit sleriffs 1t1ld aconstables ill suins or Illoney Their duties.
which they may be liable to pay hy virtue of this let, and tuny take
frot tleiti it bond with suffiieut surety, in such penalty asil the several
courts may reslecetively down reasonable, for the faithful performanco of
thei duties of their trust.
12. All tile money arising from the said tax OIl dogs in thi aforesaid liuw moawy
coillties  shal l, after  paying  all reasotialti   ex ses  sla d  co tinmiosin   a int-  ' fro  ti.l.
I,                  _ 8l.' bO e applied.
tendinig the exeeutioit of the said law, lie paid over to tile tirasurers of toi
tle several school ,ouitaissiolnors of tie saxid counties, to he applied to
the free schools of Ohio county, and to the schotl fund of the counties of
Jeff'ersoi and Brooke.
13. This act shall be in force front its passage,                 Commencuent
CHAlr. 2'20.-Aa ACT to provide for talkieg the sense of tie voters or Berkeley
a to a repeal or lha iact lprovdiuig iNr the caoistrution ;iind repair of public
roads in said county, piassed Murcll 'Jid, 1854.
Paascd March 1, INSG.
1. lie it enacted by the general assezily, that at tie eleeton for i,,t tobt olaacit
couity office rs to lie hld in the contty of Bei'keley (i the ffurth Tburs- bar raelat ot
• ~  ~      ~     ~      ra I *  ,.r~lw ht
day in May next, the ollicers conducting such elections sliell cause poll Iurkeit  i
books to ie opeted tit the several l aces of voting ill said coutty, ii -
whichI shall bie two cotini s, headed respectively, -1 For repeal of the
road law, and ,1 Agailist repeal if the road law ; and it shalU bi tile
duty of ilte said oliicers to take the votes of tile iersoins voting illoti
the said question, and record them, its they iray lie given, in ole or the
other of the said colunus. And tih said oflicers shall certify the return
of thei said votes, to tle clerk of tile county of Berkeley, within five
days after tilie terminationa of ilie said electiots: provided, that tio otto
shall lie e tilled to vote tipoti the said question, wio is, by virtue of tile
provisious of said road law, exclpt fr'ott taxation for road purposes.
. If ia tajority of the votes pulled upo sue question t  it, favor of 5aajorily to
th repeal (if the said road law, theu tle stti, being thi act passed on ivb,..
tile secotid day of March eighIiteen hudred aidii fifty-four, entitled ll act
providh ing for tii coistructio lit d keelping it repair the litublic roads in
tile comity of $eik cley, shall be and the saiie is hereby declared to lIe
releahed. Said relpial to take elrect frioti atd after the teith day of
Juiie eighteea hotndred and fifty-six. Aid frii attl after th.'t date, the
roads, bridges i id public highways in said couty shall lie opened, con0-
strticted and re1taired, ittd iii ild things governed by tile general laws
relatitig thereto.
3I. It sliall lie tlte duty of the county coutt of Berkeley, at its text Imhuw ya do
levy term after tli relical of the said lct, as herein befosi provided for, nahr it'.( act,
to provide for tle payment of till siwis whieh Itay lie properly (lite s iaw to ae daid.
owing to aty persod or persus under lie provisions a tid operationa of
tile said let, and to cause tie surveyors elected heretofore in putrsuance
thereof, aid all other persoius in whose iatids motey may have beet
levied illder said iet, to aeonUt for tile stiame.
4. This act sliall be iii force front its pissgtie.              Comnaenceiet
CIIAIt. Q.21-Aii ACT provilig fair tie esiiahli-hi og, constretiitiud keelpinig
it relllir die piublie roads i tlhu coiity of Aiigiu ta, aid curtain oilier cOtitl.
ties tierein iieiiotted.
Pas~sed Matrch 11, 1+im.
1. ]o it enacted lay tle general tissenbly, ithat tile provisions of this IvlWtt countie
act shalt  l ho inid become the road law for Augusta, lotatoc, Greeiiriur, tilst act to iqptllY
Valingita , 0eli, Sheiiaildoalh, Sinyth, RIanwlia, Taylor, C aell,  ll- to.
laski, Marshall, Logati. Buoe, WVyoliig, Mason, Carroll, Tazowell,

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