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An Act imposing taxes for the support of government. 1853 3 (1853)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0703 and id is 1 raw text is: GENERAL ACTS.
Cn.ip. 1.--An ACT for running and 'narking the botdary line between tile
states of Virginia end Maryld.
Pascd March 3, 1854.
Whereas the general assembly of Maryland has tiasscd an act for Preamble.
running and inarkuio tile boundry Ino between that dtato and the state
of Viirginia, Ileginni-ug therefor at the Fairfax stono on the Potomac
river, jometihncs called tile North lbrauch of the Potomac river, tit or
near its source, and running thence duo north to the line of the state of
Pennsylvania ; and whereas the legislature of the state of Maryland hits
requested the appointmnct of a commissioner on the part of this state to
act ill conjunction with tile commissiOner of Maryland to ru andi mark
tie said line : therefore,
1. Bo it enacted by the general assembly, that the governor be and Commissioner t,
lie is hereby authorized and required, to appoint a commissioner, who, ieappolntcd.
together with tile commissioner who may he appointed on tile part of
Maryland, shall cause the said line to he accurately surveyed, traced, Ilow lineto na.
and marked with suitable monuments, beginning therefor at the spiid
Fairfax stone, situated s as aforesaid, and running thence due north to the
line of the state of Pentsylvania.
2. It shall be the duty of the commissioners, after running, locating, Commissioner&
establishing end marking the said line, to make a report, setting forth nil to report.
the facts touching tile same, atid to forward copies of the joint report to
their respective legislatures. And upon the ratification of such report Ratification.
ly the legislatures of tile states of Virginia and Marylatd, the said boun-
dory linie shall be fixed and establishc, to remain. forever, unless
changed by mutual consent of the said states.
3. This shall le in force from its passage.                    Commcnccmen
CHeAP. 2.-Ai ACT imposing taxes for tile support of government.
Passed March '2, 1854.
1. Be it enacted by time general assembly, that the 'oshall be levied Acts 16,24, p. I
and collected, on tile persons and subjects mentioned in the 'act of as- to 1.
sembly passed on the seventh day of April eighteen hundred attd fifty-
three, entitled an act conceriing the assessment and collection of tile
public revenue, the taxes following, to wit: On nil lands and lots, With Tax on lands.
tie improvements thereon, not exempt from taxation, twenty cents on
every hundred dollars valte thereof; and herein shall be included all What includcd
lands and lots, with time improvements thereon, not exempt frnm taxa- therein.
tion, of incorporated joint stock comp anies, savings institutions and iii-
snranco companies. On all personaIproperty, moneys and credits re- Personal pro.
quired by the sail net to be listed, and not exempt from taxation, except pcrty, runneys
slaves over twelve years of age, twenty cents on every hundred dollars and credits.
value thereof; and heroin shall be included all the capital invested or what to include.
used in tiny manufacttring business, or invested or employed in aiiy
trade or btsincss, except agricultural, for which no license is reqtired,
and all the personal property and moineys of incorporated joint stock
companies, except tile moneys and personal property that constitute
part of the capital of the banks, and except the motcys and personal
property of savings iistitutions and insurance companies which have
declared dividends within one year preceding the first day of February.
On every slave over twelve years of ago, sixty cents; and herein shall slaves, %,rbo in.
be included all slaves over twelve years of age owned or hired by any eluded.
company, institution or person whatever. On every male free negro Frce nogroeE.

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