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An Act imposing a tax on dogs in the county of Isle of Wight. 1852 309 (1852.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0700 and id is 1 raw text is: COUNTIEs.-OGS.

whole amount so contributed, shall be paid into the county treasury for
countty purposes.
8. _'ho town of New Cumberland, for the purposes of this act, shall Limits of Now
be held to include any additions thereto hereto fore laid out.        Cumberland.
9. This act shall be in force from its passage.                     Commencement-
CtA,. 475.-An ACT providing for taking tile sense of the voters of Preston
comity in relalion to ithe removal of the plre sent sent of justice ofstid county.
Passed blarch 14, 1853.
1. lie it enacted by the gencral assembly, that it shall Ile lawful to Votoofpeople,
open polls at tile several places of voting in the county of Preston, on Wttjen to be
the day fixed by law 'for voting for menlers of the next general assen- taken.
bly, for the purpose of taking the sense of tile voters of' said cotinty on
the question whether the seat of justice shall remain at the town of
Kingwood, or shall he removed to the east side of Client river, at tile
wire suspension hridge. The polls shall contain two columns, one ofItowconductia.
which shall le headed For tile Towit of Kitigwood, (the present site,)
an d tile other  For the East Eu d of tile Wire Suspensio 1 ridgo,'
(spauning Cheat river ;) aid the niames of the voters shall to entered iu
that column headed with the name (if tile place voted for.
2. Tile officers conducting nld superintending thle election for inern- n7 wilom lobea
bers (if thle general assembfly shll conduct thle election provided for by conducted.
this act; and tile towvers, douties til l i abili tics of said officers sh alt Ibe
such as are prescrilied hy the act passed the twenty-second (lit)' of April
eighteen hundred and ftly-two, in relation to comuissioners and officers
conducting ud sUpetintending tile elietiou of county officers, so far tis
the provisions of said act are not in conflict with the provisions of this
3. Tile result of the vote so taken at tile several places of voting ill Polls tohn
said couty, 8111111 l1e summnied tl  aud ceriied, hy the cotn itissioniers cartitted to ctl
conduetit g the clectioti, toit the clerk of tile county court of Preston of counitycoart.
conpy, to tie by him filed and preserved itt his office for future re-
4. This act shall le iii force from its passage.                   Commencement
Cut-. 476 -An ACT to authorize the county court of Logan county to sell a
part of tle ptllic lot of stid county.
',smed Februnry 17, MO53.
1. Be it ctalcted ly the general assembly, that it shall le lawful for county enurt'l6f
tie county court of Logati county (tile actiig justices of said comnty 1,0gii autio,.
,.•                                  •IzI-'         tosl  the
li,'ttig been first stiitnied for the putrpose, and a majority thiereo f lblic lot.
beiin  present,) to sell that portion of tile lot of land il said County
whereon tile public builigs now statid, lying Ietween tile minain street
aind the Guyandotte river, inelucdig tile court houso tiid clerk's oibco of
said county: tile proceeds of whic h sale shall Ile ap plied by said court Proceeds, how
to the erection of It now court-house and clerk's olfice oil tile residue of lpplicd.
said lot.
2. Ln case lte court shall deem it cx pedient to order such sale, they Comintslonerd
shalt aplOiti t t commissioner, whose duty it shall be to lly fil' tile  .. '.
portion  to  lie  sold  into  tot  less thatn  four lots, atil([, tlheni  proeeI  to  sell iot o.
tie same separately upon it credit of ot less that twelve maotths, and Terms of siln.
uuder such othcer rulest and regulations as tle court shall prescribe ; and
the decel of such comminssioner, whietiuide ty order of said court or of
fitly comntissioner appointed tly the court to malto such deed, shall pass
to the purchaser of aly such'lot till the right, title and interest of said
county thereto.
3. This act shall he in force from its passage.                    Commencement
Cmir. 477.-An ACT imposing a tax otn dogs in the couity of Isle of Wighit.
Passed M arch 5, 1853.
1. Be it ellaeted hy the geicertil asseitibly, that it shall not be hlw fi Lhnit to nomber
for any person it the coutty of Isle of \Vighit to keep, or allow to lie of dolesto bo
kept, on tile sumo farm, more than two dogs, except the saite be owne.

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