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An Act establishing a colonization board and making an appropriation for the removal of free negroes from the commonwealth. 1852 58 (1852.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0699 and id is 1 raw text is: v5S                           REMOVAL OF FREE -NEGROES.
of the Code of Virginia and of Mayo's Guide, equal to the number of
acting justices in the several counties whom he shall have ascertuiued
not to have heretofore been supplied with said books.
When returned.  2.. The said clerks of the county courts shall deliver said books to the
justices cntitled to receive them, and shall tako-rcceipts from the said
justices, conditioned for the return of said books to said clerks at the
expiration of their term, resignation, removal or death.
If notreturned.  3. If said books are not returned within one month from the time
above mentioned, the sheriffs shall collect them and return them to the
When redistrit  4. A tier each recurring election the clerks shall redistribute said books
buted,      and take receipts for* the same, nod the sheriffs shall collect and return
them as provided in the preceding sections.
Justices under  5. The justices who were in commission prior to the adoption of the
old conatitution. present constitution, may retuin the said books with which they have
beoon heretofore supplied.
Commencement  6. This 'act shall be in force from its passage.
CHAP. 55.-An ACT establishing a colonization board and making an appro.
priation for the reuoval of' free negroes from the cotumionweuhih.
Passed April 6, 185:1.
Sum appropri.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the sun of thirty thou-
stud.       said dollars shall ho and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid ai-
nually for the period of five years, out of any money in the treasury not
otherwise appropriated, for tile purposes and in the manner hereinafter
Colonization  2. Be it further enacted, that the secretary of the commonwealth, the
board.      auditor of public accounts and second auditor, aud their successors in
ollice, and four other competent persos to ibe appointed by the gover-
nor, shall constitute a board for the purpose of carrying into effect tle
provisions of this act. The said hoard shall be denominated The Co-
Their powers, Ionization Board, any three of whose number shall constitute a quo-
rum for the transaction of busiess. The said colonization board may
sue and be oued in any form of action; shall cause a journal of their
proceedings to be kept; shall keep an exact account of all moneys dis-
bursed under authority of this act, and shall make a bicnnia report
thereof to the general assembly, showing the names, ages and sex of
such free negroes as may be transported front this commonwealth, and
time cotinlies, cities or boroughs from which they may have been respec-
tively transported, together with such other facts and suggestions as they
may doem proper.
Donations.   :3. The said colonization board shall have authority to receive dona-
tions and bequests when made in aid of the eoloaizatiou society of Vir-
ginia; and the said board shall dispose of such donations aud bequests
for the removal of free negroes to Liberia, agreeably to the provisions
of this act.
Ilow and when  4. Whenever satisfactory proof shall b produced to the said board
roney drawnr  that aiy free negroes now free or born of free parents, and residents of
from treasury. this state, shall have been actually transported to the colony at Liberia,
or other place on the western coast of Africa, or that they shall have
been embarked for transportatiou thither from within the limits of this
commonwealth my the Virginia colonization society, it shall be lawful
and the said hoard are hereby required to issue their warrant upon the
treasury of this commonwealth for such sum or sums of money its may
be necessary to defray the costs of transporting and subsisting such free
negroes for a limited time on the said coast of Africa, payable to the au-
Limit to sum  thoiized and accredited agents of the said colonization society: pro-
thus drawn.  vided, that time sum or sunis which may from tune to time be thus ex-
pended shall in no one year exceed the ameunt hereby appropriated for
such year, unless there may be an unoxpended balance of former appro-
prinations: and provided further, that not more than the sut of fifty dol-
lars shall lie allowed by said board for the transportation and subsistence
as aforesaid of any free negro.

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