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An Act revising and reducing into one act the provisions of the charter of the town of Staunton. 1852 301 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0692 and id is 1 raw text is: TOWNS-STAUNTON.

tion of the said town bo so extended on tile south as to enbrace tIll the
land lying between tile southert line of said towiI, to tile county lille he-
tw een tile counties of Ohio and Marshall, and hoitnded oil tile west by
the Ohio river, and on tile cast by the eastorn Iiine of Cold street, ill tile
recorded pit of the 11ogg's fillnl, and the jurisdictin    of the Olio river
in front of these extensions to he tile sano as now ittacles to Tto said
5. It may Io lawful for tile board of trustees to tax dogs, anld sulbect Tixaittiono'dou.
thell to such regalhations as they Inay deeill proper.
6. All tile officers of tile said towI, exep lt tie cl erk of ti to hoard of o0:1r4, if town,
trustees, shall he elected by the qualified voters of the towhti, at tie su lI--e n, ,I% 1iin
time, anld ill tilO samne nanlner is the tlUStCS are elected.        elected.
CAP. 0104-An ACT revisiig tnI reducing into oile lt the provisions of the
clnrter of tile town (if Stiauttion.
[ Passeid M1y 22, 1k52.]
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the territory within tie Liuit ti town
limits lescribed ill tile act passed the eleveith dtiy of February eightea en 1 i: Wt.o.
hundl'ed and forty-eight, entitled  t ilt tlt extettlning tile litits of the luc.li.ordt.d.
towi, -lt Stallton in, tile COiltty of Altgil8tma, tilal ft otetr pu1roses,
shall coni)nule to Ile tile tewvll of S.taunton ; iltl he whlite ill I Ibiitatlts¢'r Cror
within said limits and their slceessors shall, Ott and after Ihie Wdchllesday Iw cr .
after the fourth Monday ill Mich eiglteen hundrdllll   lifty-tht'ee, be a1
corpoeration by tile name an~d style of  .., 771CTown of 4111111flllt ; and
the fifty-foiurth and fifty-sixth chaptel's of tile Code Of Vilrgillill, to fllr
its they are consistent wvith this act, shall lie t111icablo to tie said Cot..
petalioil, and to tile council of said -oPlti.
I2. There shall continue to lie fot life said corpl'ation tI ee1rt, which tli. Iinui furl.
shall Ito called tile Court of Ihitstinlgs for thlie 'lwl of fStalitloti ;1t td hum,  lwt~tuled.
the same shalli ho teld Ity tile layor, recorder an1d alderilcil oif sai
town, or ally three of lhell, excelt where it is otierwisu prov'idld. The Monthly terms.
tnloiilthly tet'ttts of said court sIllla lie holol il te  'edllesday after the
first   iday  ill each  Illotlh ;  ind  tile (llartel'ly  teltIms  theicif  ilall li  ill ttirii'rio ter l 'Ic .
tile inaoths itf' Febraliry, il ny, Jluly tind Octotier.
i3. T  lhe said court s      shal cOtlleitO ve etjisdiction, and the  sid .lris v di(ionof
II*0.y o ,  r e c o r d e r  atld   ad e l'l le tl  s h a ll  C ollit llllie  e ilc )  tio  h aI v e'  tile    )O   w elS  -  - ,   r  1 1rL
01f  it  julstice  Of  tile  lIeacU, Host  0,1ly  W ithill  tile  'ilid  0 !  •i , • ~ it  i d t'ljmi .
also fur tile space of otlo halt' Illile without ttttl ailltUtd tile iliits Of sail
towtI, ill till aittters al'isilg witllin the Samte, tccotrditng to the laws of
tile eoulllnmwealthl. And anyV presentment ill said court by a gr'and
jttry for all offencie agtinst tile said laws, colmmlitled withill the jull'isdic-
tienl of said court, lmlay I)e presented i said court.L ill like mailnner, anld
like proccedings Ile Iitd Il'etot, as ill the cotlity Colll t if Augtsta,
-1. Tie coirt of }IIIStings shall hitve the stle tower to settle tllvor tower of' emit
rates,  ilad  to  licenlse,  ill  thi ll ill lll(r  p~rec rlibed  hy  latW, tam,.cr1-li~e  )c'I'4 or vcrnvr , a.]
lC o '-   ll  .l
nlld retailers (if wine, atictlt spirits, or a Illixtltre theicof, wit in t, r oi   retuiui.
limits of said towni.
5. There shtall he it ioard called tile Couuil'il of, tite 'I'wti of Stiltltoll, ',.ya.iiiw
which shall le cllnposod of' thIe ltlylr, tccorde', six alihl'lelt ,and fi'iittr c'.'uvd.
coitnicilhten, ttny seven1 of' whlol shall eolstituto a (illolutll to laltiactt
business. Tlel lla;yol', or ill his ab]sence, tile recorder, shiall le prtesident ltsi lrcshilent.
oft thle toard ; atid ill tihe tlbsetce tf  olt litayor ttld 'eColrder, tile
council sill ellttteso a pt'esidellL pro tCllmp'C. 'Tyhe ,ulte Ut l'eel'er innin. orw ticr.e
or fifty two mnetttbers maflIly cotivetne at slceiti session of' the couineil.  c(iv, io.d.
(. Tha countcil matty groit (t tf tlte town teatiSllry iU col)elsatiolt l'iy o, mayor.
to tile 1 n1 yol', not exececdill;; on1 hunldl'ed anld fifty dolarus aI V1i,11 Ml11d M[.yol't, cullrt.
hL' r'eqftiro the maityotr to holtd regular terntis of t im ay'or's colut for tile
trial of cases cognizlei  by ii justice of the I ) eace. 'The ima yor shll Icontrol over
execliso coitrol atntd slperiltcndeitce over tile iolice eflt's, attd ttdttti- lice.
nister the police l'egulations of the town, ill ittlrsiallco of tw itatd of tie
ordinances (if tile Town.
7. Every white ntalo citizen of tile ctnlomnwealth of the age of twen- Wh, t, votefor
ty-onue yca's, who has been It resident of thle state for two  ears, and ofutf't'ru'

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