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An Act revising and reducing into one act the provisions of the charter of the city of Richmond. 1852 259 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0689 and id is 1 raw text is: CMTIES-11CHMONDo                                    269
CHAP. 3O.-An ACT revising and ieducing into one act the provisions of the
charter of the city of Rtichmond.
[ Passed IMarch 30, 1852.]
Whereas under on act of the general assembly, passed the thirtieth of Pretunble.
January, eighteen hundred and five, commissioners appointed by the
executive of this commonwealth, estahlished what was then deemed a
just and reasonable boundary to the city of Richmond, and the said
boundary was reported to the council of said city, and under a resolu-
tion of tile council adopted the nineteenth of February, eighteen hun-
dred and ten, the boundary lines were run by a surveyor, and landmarks
placed at tile corners ti( at other convenient places; and nfterwai'ds
the territory contained within said boundary lines was, under the direc-
tion of the corporate authorities of said city, described and marked upou
a map prepared by Micajah Bates, dated in eighteen hundred and thirty-
five ; and by ain act of assembly passed tile twenty-first of February,
eighteen hundred and forty-two, to revise and amend the charter of the
city of Richmond, it was declared that tile said territory should he
deemed and taket as the city of Richinond : Now,.
1. Be it enacted by tie general assembly, as follows : 'That tile said ter- Boundaries e
ritory vithin the limYits prescribed unider tile said act of the thirtieth ofcity of lich-
January, eighte eii hundrcd and live, and i deseribed and ainurked upon the  
said map prepared by Micajah Bates, shall continue to ie the city of
RichInomd ; mid the freeholde,'s, housekeepers and inlhaitamts withln Incorporated.
said  liniits, and  their  successors, slall  Ce0itine  to  he a  corlrpO lio i  hI
the name and style of 1 The City of Richmond ; fnd tile fifty-feurth ChniltrmofCnde
atd fifty-sixth chapters of the C(de (of Virginia shall he applicable to applIicuibletocIty.
the said corporation and the council of said city, so far as may ho con-
sistent with this act.
2. There shall continue to be for the said corporation a court which nlhstings court,
shall he called the I- Conrt of Hlustigs for tie City of Riclmniid ;' and huw constituted.
tie samea shall lhe eld by tie mayor, recorder and aldermen of said
city, Or atly four or more of them, except where it is otherwise' proviled.
3. TIme said court shall continue to have jurisdiction, nod the said Its jurisdiction
Mayor, recorder and aldermen shall cOUtiite each to have tile poWer 1 Of
a justice of the peace not 0ly within said Corporate liinits, but also for
the space of one mile on tile north side of .1aines river witihout and
amound said city, and every part thereof, including So 1hu (1ch of the said
river to low water imark on the shore of the county of Chesterficld, as
shullhe hC tween two lines drawiI (1no south firon tile Oster a1l west-
cr termini ations of the one mile aforesaid, for Inatters arising within tile
samiic, aecording to the lawis of tile ceniiimoonwealth. Aimd any present-
m eut iiado in said court by a grand jury, for tili o ellnce against said
laws committed within the jurisdiction of said court, inny he prosecuted
ii said court in like mantnor, and like proceedings ie had thereon i ill
the county court of Ilenrico.
-1. There shall lie a hiiard called the  Council of time City of Rich- Council of city,
maond, which shall lie composed of fifteen inemihers, of v hoiii, until tile howo utualtuted.
council shall otherwise prescribe, live shall eb for each ward, Of )HUnut- Niumbher of is.
hers of said court of hustings other than the inayor, there shall also be thigs court.
fifteen, of whoi, until the council shall otherwise prescribe, there shall
in like manner le live for each ward.
5. The couucil may grant compensation out of the funds of the city Iay of mayor
to tile mayor of the city and the other miiilicrs of the court of hustings. and court.
6. T.here shall be an election anually in each ward oii the first \ ed- lectionsofcoun.
nesday in A pril, or in case of failure to hold the election oni that day, cii courtad city
then on such day aftervards- as the council tny direct; which elette ufieLo , whec.
in a ward shall lie for its members of the couucil and mneibers of the
court of hustings, and for persons to fill, until tile next annual election
in said ward, the following offices for said city, to wit: Mayor, supCritn- What officers to
tendnt of the gas works, superiitendent of streets, superintendent of be elcted.
the water works, register of the water works,. assessor, collector of the
city taxes, sergeant, high constaile, captain of tie night watch, manager
of tile poorhouse, guager and measurer of grain.

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