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An Act appropriating the public revenue for the fiscal year 1851 and 1852. 1852 20 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0684 and id is 1 raw text is: go.              TAXES-REFUPU    DED.-APPOPIATIONS OP REVENUE.
grants, shall have paid all taxes duly assessed oi such lands so held or
claimed by them, and all taxes which ought to have been assessed
Claims of con.  3. The preceding section shall not impair the right or title, legal or
flrcting tax pay- equtable, of any other person who shall, by title, legal or equitable, do-
ri, how settled. rived from or under the commonwealth, bona /ide claim any such land
on which the taxes assessed have been fully paid according to law ; but
in all such cases of conflicting claims, the parties shall be left to the
strength of their respectivo titles.
Omitted leands  4. All lands, the title whereto shall be vested in the commonwealth
vested in comu-
monwealth, 111 under the first section of this act, and shall not he transferred to persons
bioto entry, pur. claiming under grants from the cominonivealth under the second soc-
veyand grant. tion hereof, shall, after such title shall have heen so vested in tile com-
monwenlth, be liable to entry, survey nd grant in the same manner as
waste ad unappropriated lands, or, in case entry or survey dball have
been made before such title shall have so vested in the commonwealth,
Delinqaent lands to grant thereupon in like manner.
easto AIleghany,  5. Nothing in the three first sections of chapter one hundred and
not uiJeetto o- fourteen of the Code shall be construed to make any hands east of the
try, survey and  _,   '  .. .. . 
grant.       Allognany mountains liable to entry, survey or grant.
cee Code, p. 495.
CiAP. 19.-An ACT authorizing the auditor of public accountq to adjust claims
for the release and refunifdinJg of taxes in certain cases.
[Pasied blay 21, 1852.]
Auditor autho.  1. Be it enacted by the general assemblyj, That any person desiring to
rized to adjast have any tax on real property witi which lie or any person from whom
and relurdl   he may have derived title may have been, or may hereafter he errono-
or taxed on ito. ously or inequitably charged. and whicih may itavo been, or shall le r-
hinquent lands. turned delinquent for the nonpayment thereof, released or refunded,
todoof pro-  may, within five years after such property has been so elhrged, file with
ceeding to obtain the atulitor of public accounts a declaration in writing, verified by affi-
relief,      davit, setting forth the facts upon which lie clains relief; and the said
auditor shall grant such relieft as upon the facts properly proven before
Auditor to report him shall appear to le just and equitable.
to legislature  2. The said auditor shall in his annual report make an aecurate state-
cases fi which  mtent of all cases uponil which he ma'y have acted under this act, and of
relief granted or
refused.     the grounds upon vhich he may have granted or refused relief.
Commencement.  3. This act shall be in force from its passage.
CiHAP. 20.-An ACT appropriating thme ptlic revenue for the fiscal year 1851
and IL52.
[Ptassei June 5, 1852)
general fund.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the public taxes and ar-
rearages of taxes duo prior to the first day of October last, and not
otherwise appropriated, and all other branchs of revetle, and all public
moneys not otherwise appropriated by lav, whicli shall come into the
treasury prior to the first day of October next, and the surplus of all ap-
propri atiots heretofore inade, shall constitute a general ftnd, flod be oil)-
propriated for the fiscal ycar to close on tie thirtieth of Sc iteiiber
Legislature.  eighteen hundred and fifty-two, as follows: 'Po the expenses of the ge-
Representation. neral assemily, one hundred and fifty thousand (lollars ; to pay expenses
of representation in congress and general nwsentbly, twelve Indred
Salaries.   dollars ; to the salaries and tllowances of th  ollicers (if civil govern-
Criminal    ment, ninety three thousmid dollars ; to defi'a) criminal charres, includ-
charges.     iog expenses of guarditng jails, forty-ihree  itousand seven hundr ed
slaves executed, dollars; to pay for slaves executed andt transported, tvelvo thousind
dollars; to pay expenses of penitentinry, niliteen thousand and five
Et ,niteaoy.  hoadred ileolrs ; to contingcnt expetss oft  o urls, thirty *oto th tId
courts.      dollats ; to ptny for printing records of the court of appeals, four thoiu-
P1rinting Records.     '       '      .                      ..,
Printiner    sand five hundred dollars; ' o pay expenses of militia, including pay of
Military contin- ndjutant gencral, nineteen thousand dollars; military contingent fund,
eant fund.
Irnl*ntary three thousand dollars ; military school at Loxitgton, for support, seven
instute.   r thousand seven hundred and ten dollars; and for balance of appropria-

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