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An Act to facilitate the recovery of fugitive slaves. 1850 37 (1850)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0677 and id is 1 raw text is: STEALING CHILD.-FUGITIVE SLAVES.-FREE SCHOOLSi

judgment, decree or order, or when 1proper answers to tho interrogatories
are filed and proper conveyanco an', delivery made. A county or car- When inferior
poraition court may act under this section either at a monthly or quar- courts iay act.
terly term.
5. This act shall be in force from its pnssnge.                  Commencement.
CAP. 50.-An ACT nilin,, it felony to stel IL child from the person having
lawful charge of such child.
[P'iosed March 7, 1851.1
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, rhat if any free person other Felony to steal a
than the father or nother of a child illegally seize, take or secrete a child.
child front the person having lawful char'ge of such child, lie shall be low punishable.
coined in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than five years,
or, at the discretiolt of the jury, in the common jail not exceeding one
year, and be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.
CmP. 51.-An ACT to facilitate the recovery of fugitive slaves.
[Passed !A[nreh :11, 1851.)
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That whenever a slave shall Court, how sum.
escape friom his owiner or person having hinm in possession, if the county inonled on escape
or corporation court of the county wherein such owner or person resides of slave.
be i.ot in session, it shall be the duty of the sherifl' or sergeantt, upon re-
quest in writing of such owner or other person, or his agent, to summon
a court to meet forthwith at the courthouso of such county or corpora-
tion, to hear proof of the eseapo of such slave, and that he owed service
or labor to the owner or persoi aforesaid, and to order such proof to be Action of court
entered ott the records of such court, together with it general description thereon.
of the slave so escaping, with such convenient certainty as may be, pur-
tuant to the provisions of the tenth section of the act of congress coll-
cerning persons escaping from  the service of their masters, passed
eighteenth September eighteen hundred and fifty.
~. The clerk of such county court and the sheriff of the county shall Clerk and sheriff
then and there attend upon said court, which may consist of two or to.attend court.
'               *  s  Number of Joe.
more justices of such county ; and tlI silid Court, when so orgalnze(l, tices to fori
shall be a court of record, and may be adjourned from tinte to time until court.
its proceedings are closed. The sherilr', sergeant atl clerk aforesaid Fees of officers.
shall be authorized to charge the owner or person aforesaid.,such fees as
are allowed hy law for like services, and collect the same as other fees
are collected by them respectively.
3. This act shall be in force from its passage.                 Commencement.
Cu.%r. 5i2.-An ACT anmendig the act passed MAurch 8, 1849, entitled An tct to
establish IL system of' district free schools for King George county.
[Pa'sed Starch W9, 1851.]
1. Be it enacted, That till the money, bonds, deeds of trust, mortgages Trustees of lion.
and other securities and property now in the possession of the trustees of overand St.
Posse~i           Pul'sparishes to
the free schools of lanover and St. Paul's parishes, itl tile county of convey trust pro.
King George, or to which they may ill any wIise he entitled, shall be perty for beneflt
I                         of schools In
conveyed and transferred to, and hereafter vest i I the president and Kin Georle
hoard of school commissioners of said county and their successors, to 11  i ..
held and appropriated by them for the use of the pblie schools of said
county. And in tho event of the refusal or failure of the said trustees of Remedy ngnlnst
said parishes, or either of them, to convey and transfer the money, honds, then for fallure,
deeds of trust, mortgages, securities and other property iereinbefore
mentioned, to tho said president and hoard of school commissioners, they
shall proceed to recover the same by motion in the circuit court of King
George county against the trustees of said parishes, or either of them,
upon ton days' notice of such motion. Immediately upon the transfer Trust property
and conveynceo of the said money, bonds, deeds of trust, mortgagesthcolltcy
and other securities and property being made to the said president annd ..a.d
board of school commissioners, or when the same shall be recovered by
motion as aforesaid, it shall be the ditty of the said president and board

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