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An Act for the relief of Mary B. Nelson. 1849 225 (1849.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0661 and id is 1 raw text is: CLAIMS.

CHAP. 314.-An ACT for the relief of John C. MAcracken.
[Passed March 16, 1850.]
1. Be it enacted by the general a8sembly, That tle second auditor 1M Amount of for.
and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the fclted recogul.
zanco refunded
treasury, (payable out of tiny money therein to tie credit of the Literary to John C. Mae-
fund,) in favor of John C. Macracken or his legal representative, for the racken.
sum of one hundred dollars, the amount of a judgment rendered against
him by the county court of Alexandria, on the ninth of March eighteen
hundred and forty-nine, fonmlcd upon a forfeited recognizance as tile
security of a certain James Cole.
2. 1his act shall be in force from its passnge.                 Commencement.
CuAr. 315.-An ACT for the relief of .ohn Morris, late sheriff af Buckinghamn
county, and for other purposes.
('Pased M arch 14,1850.]
1. Be it enacted by the general assenbly, That tile auditor of public Amount of insol-
accounts be and lie is hereby authorized and directed to issue his war- WtIa llowed
rant on tile treasury, payable out of tny money therein not otherwise John Morris.
appropriated, in favor of John Morris, shieriff of luckinghan  county,
for tile suin of eighteen dollars ant seventy-five cents, that being tile
amount of insolvents improperly paid by his deputy into the treasury.
2. Be it firther enacted, riht thi  auditor of public accounts be aid is Damages remit.
hereby authorized to receive, in satisfaction of a judgneit or judgments tel to Daniel
obtained in behalf of the cominmonwealth against Daniel Gold, sheriff of (olU.
Frederick county, for arrearages of tnxes, the principal, interest and costs
of said judgment or judgments, to the exclusion of the damages thereon,
which are hereby release([.
3. This act shall be in force from its passage.                  Conmenccement.
CHAr. 31G.-An ACT for the relief of Mry B. Nelson.
[Passed January 12, 150.]
Whereas at the November terin of the county court of Shenandoah, Preamnble.
said court sitting as a court of oyer ant terininer, condemned to death
a slave, the property of Mary 1. Nelson, and assessed the value of said
slave at four hundred ant twenty-fivo dollars : And whereas the gover-
nor of the commo nwe alti has committed the punishineimt of death to
sale and transportation ; and it is satisfactorily sliewn that said court
erred in assessing the value of said slave, aflixing a price far below his
market value; and tile general assembly is willing that the said A1ary B.
Nelson shall have tile sale money of said slave : Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the general assenmibl, Thiat the governor of the coal- sum mlowed
monwealth cause to be paid to the sail Mary B. Nelson such suni ofMary 11. Nelsen
mioney as lie imay receive upon the sale of said slave, deducting there- for a 4ave.
front the said stuin of four hundred and twenty-five dollhis, already or-
derel to be paid to said Mary It. Nelson, and all necessary expenses of
bringing said slave to the city of lichmond from tile county of Shenan-
doah, and costs of sile.
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.                  Coil)mencement.
CHAP. 317.-An ACT for tie relief of Samuel Sheets and James Reed.
[Pasacd March 14, 1850.]
1. Be it enacted by the general assembhI1, That the auditor of public tomnpendationta.
accounts be and he is hereby authorized and required to issue -it warrant lowed Samuel
Sheets asg coma-
on the treasury, payablo out of any money therein not otherwise ipro- nioissioner of re-
printed, in favor of Siniucl Sheets, late commissioner of the revenue for venue.
rarison county, for the sum of thirty dollars, for extlra services i as-
sessing parts of tile counties of Ritehio atndl Barbour, for the year eigh-
teen hundred and forty-throe, anti making out eight books of such as-
sessment for each of said counties.

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