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An Act amending the act, entitled An act providing for the election of trustees for the town of Front Royal in the county of Warren, and for other purposes 1849 189 (1849.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0658 and id is 1 raw text is: TOWNS.                                        189
CHAP. 27  -An ACT amending the act, entitled An act providing for the elec-
tion of trustees for the town or Front Royal in the county of Warren, and for
other purposes.*
[Passed February V~1, 1M50.]
Whereas it is represented to the general assembly that the inhabitants Preamble.
of the towni of Front Royal in the county of Warren have failed for one
or more years to elect trustees for the said town, pursuant to the act of
the general assembly passed March twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred
and thi'ty-seven, e ititled A  ic t providing for the election of trustees
for the town of Front Royal in the county of Warren, and for other
purposes, in consequence of whilch there is now no collector of said
town to superintend an election, and a doubt has arisen whether tiny
election of trustees vlith h  iaght hereafter Ie made would be valid
without further legislation; and it is desired that the said act may be
altered and amended so as to provide for the better government of said
town; therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That it shall be lawfid for the Tn:.teesof Front
inhabitants of the town of Front Royal to elect trustees for said town H i 110%
in the samo manner as if the failure to elect hereinbefore mentioned had c
not occurred ; and whenever there shall not be it collector of said town wiho to hold and
to conduct an election of trustees, the same shall be held and conducted conduct election,
by the slerifi' of the county of Warreu for the time being, or by one of
Ils deputies; aid the oflicer conducting any such election shall be Who togive
authorized and required to give the casting vote, wheonever the 5t111ti0 '  g vO.
shall lie necessary to determine the election of the requisite number of
2. Tht the election of trustees for said town shall hereafter be held Election, when
nun ally on tile first Monday in Aiay, instead of the time prescribed in to be held.
the aet aforesaid ; and whenover, from ainy cause, ai election shtall n ot
be held at the tiio prescribed b)y ltw, the trustees last in ollico shall Ten of omcc of
continue to serve as trustees for tWfe said towui until tile time Of the next trouito.
succeeding ant itlll election ; and if any vaca ney shall halpen in tile ollieo ue Vaneies sup.
of trustee in the interval Ibetween tIe aninnal elections (if trustees, the •ied.
other trustees, or a tmujority of them, shll fill sunh vacantcy lby the ap.
poitnetit of some fit and discreet ini, being a freeholde r anid n inha-
bitan t of said town, who, upon imaking oath or allnirnition in the illiner Qunntieniton of
prescribed by tie act afomesaid, shall Iave tho ituthority aid perform truetc.4.
the iuties of a trustee clected hy the inhabitants.
3. That the trustees of smaid town shall not be required to meet once ill Mtellngs of
overy niOtlh, but shall hold neeitigs 18 often 1ts ti ny OIte or iore of ttem trn. c..
shall think fit, upon reasotiable notice beinig given to all tile iiictmbers ;
and ai majority shall constituto a qtiorumn flr the transaction of' Ibsi neess.
,.  lint, in lition to thte  uthonity conferred by the tact aforesaid, Powers of itg-
the trustees (if the said town, or ai njorily of them, shlil hve iowen '
and authority to make necessary provisions to preveimt accidents by
fire, to licuse and regulate shows and pulic exhibitions in the said
tovo, to prohitit horse-racing and shouting of gitts in the strects, to
prohibit froin running at large in the streets of said town, hogs, dogs
and other mischievous and dangerous animals, and (if necessary to pro-
vent the same) to autthorize the killing of sicli dogs and the confine-
ment of such hogs its slhall knowingly It allowed by their owner or
owners to run at largo in the streets of said townm, and to declhre and en-
force the forfeiture of such hogs, against the owner or owners thereof.
all to sell the samei for the lenelit (if tio town ; and to make all other
by-laws and ordinances ntt cotrary to the laws atud constitution of
this state or of the United States, which the said trustees litay deem
necessary aid proper for the good order and govcrnnent of said town.
5. That any person or persons iv ho shall violate tiny by-hnw or ordi- Penalties for
nance of the trustees of the said town, passed in pursuance of tht pover ioatns of
vsted in them by the act aforesaid or by this tct, shall be subject to bylaws.
such fine as the trustees or a majority Eof them shall establish, not ex-
ceeding five dollars for any one ofl'eneo; which fine or fines, tnd the costs of 1!ow recover.
prosecution, shall he recoverable before any justice of the pence in antd able.
for Warren county, by warrant in the name of the president and trus-

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