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An Act to prevent the destruction offish in the counties of Russell and Scott. 1849 43 (1849.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0657 and id is 1 raw text is: 2. The enpital for said oflieo nny be furnished by a transfer frlom the c7itnl, how pro.
mother bnnk and existing branches, or by a comhiination of the two 'Iall.
iodes, as tile stockholders may in general meeting direct, or may em-
power the president ind directors of the parcut bank to fix and dcter-
nne : Provided, That no sale of stock silt be for less than its par value.
3. ilie management of said oflice shall be under the control of a board Directors; their
of directors, to be elected in the sinue tanner, with like powers, qualifi- iowera and to-
cations and tenure of ollice, as tile directors of tile existing branches of the nuro of office.
said bank. And if front any cause the election of directors oin the part of
the stockholders shall not he made oit the first Monday in November next,
it shall be competent to make such election at tiny general or special
meeting of the stockholders ; and upon being notified by tile president atd tate directors.
cashier of tile parent bank of the election of (lirectors for said branch onl
the part of the stockholders, tile executive shall appoint three directors
in behalf of the state, which said directors, thus elected and %ppeinted, Their term of
shall hold their ollices until the next unnual meeting of the stoe kiolders, oale.
and until their successors shall be chosen and qualified.
4. This act shall be in force front the passing thereof.         Commencement.
C itP. 61,-A ACT to prevent the destruction of fish in the counties of Russell
and Scott.
['assed February 9, 1850.]
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That any free person who Destroying flsh
~o                                  l y polsOnI in cer.
shall hereafter throw or cause to be thrown into any of the waters of  .... ers .
tle Clinch river, or of iny other of the waters within the counties ofbited.
Russell and Scott, a poisonous berry called cocul. indicus,' or any poi-
sonous substance, with intent to destroy the fish in any of said waters, Tlunishmenton
shall he deemed guilty of it misdenieanor and fined not exceeding twenty free persons.
2. Amy slave who shall ofl'end against the provision of this act, shall, Punlshmenton
upoit ctnviction thereof before any justice of the peace, be punished by laree.
stripes not exceeding thirty-nine.
3. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.         Commencement.
ChAt,. 02.-An ACT concerning the protection of sheep in the county or
lPnssed March 13, 1P50.]
1. Be it enacted by the general assemblj, That the act, entitled ,Ait Unifonn tax to
act to anmend the act, entitled I An act providing more eflectually fin'  o hy  n d tloge
time protection of sheep iii the county of Loudou,' passed March the lit. Ldoun.
seventeenth, eighteen huudred aud forty-nine, be a1( the sane is hereby
so modified as to authorize it unifor'm tax of twenty-five cents to ho
levied upon all (logs within the said county of Loudottn, in lieu of tile
tax authorized by said net.
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.                  Commencement.
CuAr. 63.-An ACT to encourage the killing of crows in the counties or Cuna-
borlaud and Appomattox.
[Patssed March 13, 1850.]
1. Be it enicted by the general assembly, That the county court of Reward for kill.
Cumberland county'shall be and is hereby attthorized, whenever they  crow in
may dLeim it expehent to allow a preuunttt or reward for killing crows,
not exceeding five cents for every crow killed within the said county, a
majority of tile acting justices of the said cot uty being present at the
courthouse of said county, or having been summoned ftor that lurl)osO
by a previous order of coturt.
2. le it farther enacted, That the fund for this purpose shall lie raised Levy to pay re
by a levy upotn tile titheables of saidt county ; and the said levy shall I. wa rd.
collected, accoutted for and paid in the saute matnner and tinder lte and paid.
same penalties, by time sheriff of said county as other conty levies now
authorized by law.


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