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An Act making appropriations for the removal of free persons of color, and for other purposes. 1849 7 (1849.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0655 and id is 1 raw text is: COLLECTION OF      REVENUE.-REMOVAL OF           COLORED PEOPLE.                7
tile eighty-ninth section of the thirty-fifth chapter of tile Code of Virgi- see Co, of Vs.,
nia of eighteen hundred and forty-nine, in relation to commissioners of I)-  §
the revenue.
8. This act shall be force from the time of its passage.           Comincemeient.
CHAl. .-An ACT to authorize the hustings court of Danville to appoint a
corarnissioncr of the revenue, and for other purposes.
[Passed Mlarch 18, 1650.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the hustings court for Commissioner of
the corporation of Danvillo he, mid they re he'reby authorized, at tile   fl
period prescribed by liw, to appoilnt a commissioner of the revenlu for wier appoirted.
the sai1 corporation; the said conmissioner to perform all the dities ill duties.
required by law of commissioners in tire several corporations within this
conuonwealth, tny law to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. Be it further enacted, That the suid commissioner shahl receive, as Ilig coipensa.
coniensation for his services, a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. ier'
d. Be it ,firther enacted, That tile mayor and coririona ty for the cor- l 1und ra public
3. Be it. hf!l I                                                          phow
poration of Danvillo are authorized to contract for so imeh lind in tie  . ilh  ,o
said corporatio Ia niMy he necessary to erect the courthouse anrd other ,,I . liluo
public huildiings for said town, and iake their levies lor paymrent of the
said aid and buildings io three several consecutive years, so ts to rnnmrko
payiret by inual instalments.
I, Tis act shall he ii force from its passage.                    Colilocrrev.trL.
CHAP. 6.-An ACT making appropriations for the reinoval of free persons of
color, ind for other purposes.
il'ascd March 11, 1850.)
1. Be it enacted by the general asseniblrj, That the sum of thirty thou- An uilppro.
sand dollars siall le au tile same is hereby approlpriated, to he paid Inrr- Ii i  -rv
Snnally, for tie period of five years, Ont of iny money inl tile treasulry nlo.
not otherwise alpropriated, for tile purposes aid in tire minier herein-
after prescribed.
2. le it further enacted, That tile governor, lientenant-governor, first Hollrd nppohined
and second aiditors for the time heing, shall lie and they are hereby to exclittc net.
constituted a board of commissioners, for the Irposo of crr'ying into
offect tile provisions of this act, any two of whin shall ie a qnoruin for
said purlpose. Wheever satisfactory proof shall be produrced to the said WV:,it free n'o.
hoard of commissioners that any number of free persons of color, now e'' to i re-
rirreuri, l i\   to
free and residents of tis state, aud their chl'dren, shrall have becn actu- %iit platce.
ally transported to tile coloiy at Liberia, or other placo oil tire westteri
coast of Africa, or that they siall have been eniharked fur transporta-
tion thither, fromi within the limits of this comirroniweath, by the Ameri-
cal Colonization society, it shall be lawful, and tile said hoard of corn- A;plmoprititiorl,
riissioners i are hereby required, to issue their warrant on tire treasirry of how drwor.
this conimonwealth for such sum  or surnis of mneriy as may ie rececs-
sary to defr'ay the Costs of transporting rnd susistirg such free persons
of colo for a limited time oi tire said coast of Africar, payable to tire To whom imy.
authorized and accredited agent or agents of tire said Amerirca  Coloni- 0 c.
zation society : Provided, That tire 811111 or sumns wich may front time
to time be thus expenled shall in no n11e year exceed the aiounit herelby
appropriated for such year : .And provided furthcr, That not riiore tha Sor) lilowpi1 for
tire suim of twenty-five diolars shall ir allowed by said board of cr oi- ciii micron   e.
ilrissioners for the trlanisportation anrid suribsistence ars rflor'esarid of rilly freenOVCII.
person of color -bov, tire age of tell yer's, and not nore thanr the i111n
of fifteen dollars for tire trrisportation and suhsistence of any free per-
s31 of color 1ri41er tile silid age Of ten yersri ; ault tire said hoard of Arcount.toie
conmimnissioiners tire hereby reqai red to keep .orn exact aicco ilt of all k.. . ri.
•~~                                           1, ljrt4, tle Lglia-
moneys dishrrsed under tire authority of this aet, aind to marn ke ul  r:r Iture.
report thereof to tire general rssCrnhily, shewing tire ages riard sex of
such free persons of color rs may ire transported from  this coninorr-
woaltli, ad tire counties, cities or hororghs from which tire), may have
been respectively removed, together with such other facts or suggestions
as they may deem interesting or proper.

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