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Resolution instructing the directors of the lunatic asylums to report to the next general assembly upon the propriety and cost of providing for the maintenance and cure of insane persons of colour in their respective asylums or elsewhere. 1847 354 (1847)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0638 and id is 1 raw text is: 354              11aps.-Bridges.-Insane.-Reorts of Public Oficers.
together with such portions of the reports of engineers upon the same, as be
may deem expedient; and that one thousand copies thereof be deposited in the
office of said board, subject to the order of the next general assembly.
No. 4.-Resolution relative to tile rebuilding of the Covlngton hrldlo.-[Aduptrd March 30Q,
treanotu..     Whereas by an act, passed February thlirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty.
five, the Board of public works were authorized to contract with some fit and
responsible person to rebuild the Covington bridge, in the county of Ale.
ghany, under the superintendence of Ezra Walker, esquire : And whereas the
said Board of public works did enter into such contract with Douglas H.
Layne of said county, who accordingly advised the said superintendent of his
readiness to commence the work : And whereas the said Walker declined giv.
ing specifications for the rebuilding of the said bridge, for reasons set forth
to tile Board of public works, which reasons have likewise convinced tile said
Layne of thu- great difficulty of building a permanent bridge at tile site desig.
nated by law: Therefore,
C'ovington bridge  Resolved by the senate and house of delegates, That the Board of public
to b i.rebuilt.  works be authorized to contract with James Burk, or some other fit and re.
Siuprntatndent sponsible person to rebuild the said bridge at the site designated by law, and
to hi appointed. also appoint some suitable person, in pursuance of the above recited act, to
superintend the same.
No. 5.-Resolution Instructing tile directors or the lunatic asylums to report to the next gt-
neral utsseoibly upon the propriety nod cost of providing for the ,naintonance and cure of
Insane persons  colour in their respectlive asylums or elsewire.--Adoptcd January 1t,
Preamble.       rile committee on lunatic asylums, according to order, have had under con-
sideration the resolution instructing them to enquire into the expediency of
reporting a bill making some provision for the relief of insane persons of co.
lour, and have come to the following resolution :
IDirtetors of it-  R esoleil  llby the general assembly, That the directors and superiuten.
naotir asytilin to dents of tie  astern and Western asylums, for tie maintenance and cure of
relnpo l fitr etr,
p.rt utnt   insane persons, be instructed to report to the next general assembly whether
priety unit eost
of providin for any provision call be lnade in their respective asylums for tile maintenance
insane petsons of and cure of insane persons of colour, and also estimates of the probable costs
olour.      'of providing accommodations for such patients; and in case said directors and
superintendents shuould deet it inexpedient or impracticable to provide for such
patients in their respective asylums, that they report to the next general as.
sembly a plan for tile separate accommodation of such patients.
No. 6.-Resolutions prescribing tile tine for making and providing for printing tie annual re-
ports of ptblie ollicers aid otlu'rs.-[dopted Aprl 3, 18.18.]
Itelptts of putblic  1. Resolved by the general asscnmbly, Tlat it shall be tite duty of the public
otticers ttlit insti- oflicers of the state, and of tle bords of directors, visitors, superintendents,
lt lune to and other agents of public institutions or interests, to prepare the annual re-
ports and statements required of them by law, concerning the institutions or
trusts committed to Iheir management, made up to tile thirtieth of September
annually, and to deliver the same to the governor or tile commonwealth on or
before tile first day of November following, to be by hin comuunicatcd with
his annual tlessage to the general assembly.
Ite,orts to lie  2. Resolved, That it shall be tile duty of the public printer to print five hun.
itetd nd     dred copies of such reports as shall be delivered to hin b, the governor, in
ound.        conformity to tile foregoing provision, in octavo form, on good paper, of the
size of the report of the Board of public works, and bound in boards, of which
flow ilistributed. tile usual number shall be distributed as heretofore to tite members and officers
of the general assembly, and the oflicers of tile government, within tell days
after the commencement of tile annual session of said assembly ; fifty copies
shall be delivered to the governor, to be transmitted to the executive depart-
meats of tile several states and territories of time Union, and for other public
purposes; and tile remainder shall be delivered to tile librarian of tle state, to
b  disposed of for the benefit of the library, except twelve copies thereof,
which shall be bound uniformly with the otter books of said library, and per.
manently retained therein; and henceforth the usual orders of either branch
of thte legislature for printing the said reports, shall be dispensed with.
tspecial report re-  3. Resolved, That it shall be tite duty of the auditor of public accounts to
qfilr,, mt ouditor prepare an annual statement similar to document number twenty-three, coil-
ofp tin       municated at the commencement of tile present session of the general assem-
bly, and deliver the same to the governor, along with his report; the said

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