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An Act changing the laws in relation to pilots. 1846 75 (1846)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0612 and id is 1 raw text is: Preservation of Oysters.-Pilots.                             75
17. The counties of Accomack and Northampton shall be mid tile Accnnack and
same are hereby exempted and excepted from the operation of this act. Norihadton ex-
18. This act shall be in force from and after the first day of May ratin of act.
CeiAi.. 87.-An ACT concerning the taking of oysters I'roin Wilson's creek
in (Gloucester county.
[lPa- 4d March QO,  1817.]
1. ie it enacted, 'rThat 1b: and during tile period of five years, it Oysterin llt, Wil-
Clll  1 . !'llk
shall not be lawfil for any person or persons to catch or carry away rgulat,,d.
oysters from the waters of Wilson's creek in tile county of Glouces-
ter, except for the consumption of the inhabitants of said county.
2. Any person or persoins violating the provisions of this act, shall Penally for ilk-
forfeit ad pay the suin of two hutll red dollars for any suclh violation,  y
one half of whicli sum shall he appropriated to tile inlbrier, and the
other hIalf to tile Literary fund. And it shall be the duty of each Offender how
and every justice of the peace of said county, upon his owl kilnw-arested.
ledge, or the inforniation of others, to issue his warrant for the ap-
prehension of ally One suspected of violating this act, and to have
suclh oll'onder or ollnders brouglit belire hin ; and if upon exam ina-
tion, such justice of tile peace he satisfied that the person or persos
so appreliended have either violated or intended to violate the provi-
sions of this act, lie shall require any and every such olfender to enter Preventiv, recog.
into recognizance in the penalty ol two hiundred dollars, counditioned ni,aIco rired.
that they shall not violate the provisions of this act, for the space of
twelve ,nouths. And if said justice sliall be of opinioi that tiie ileeogni izance for
party tius brouglit belbre hin i as violated the provisiois of this act, arl ual violation
he shall require in additional recogilizace of himt ill tile penalty of
two lhuidred dollars, coilditioned for Ills a ppea raice at tile next
quarterly court for said county, to answer ol informnation or indict-
mient.  And it shall be the dlty of the attorney for the con1iion- Duly of attorney
wealth  for said  conIlty, to  file  against such  otlendiiig  party  an  indict-  wealth,
inent for the recovery of the said penalty of two iuldred dollars.
Aul(1 ill addition to the penalty herein before provided, it' tile party Judgment for
applrehended lbe deeumed guilty by the justice before wvloun lie iay be costsandcliarges.
brought, tie said justice slall give judgnelit agaillst himu for the cost
of such apprehension, aid also for tile further sum of five dollars for
each person employed in apprelhending himi, includin g the officer
charged with the execution of the warrant.
Cum,. 8S.-An ACT changing the laws in relation to pilots.
[Passed  3larch  18, 117,1
1. Be it enactcd by the general assembly, That every registered ntes (if pilotage
vessel owned by a citizen or citizens of the United States, or by tle n t regiterves.
citizens or subjects of any foreign state, where vessels are by treaty
with the government of the Uiiited States place(] on the sarie footing
as vessels of the United States, shall pay the following rates of pilot-
age in lieu of those now established by law, to wit: If the vessel be
boarded or spoken by a pilot forty miles or more east of Cape Henry,
two dollars and twenty-five cents per foot to Hampton Roads; if tile
vessel be boarded or spoken by such pilot twenty miles and not more
than forty miles east of Cape lenry, two dollars per foot to Ilanmpton
Roads; if tile vessel he boarded or spoken by such pilot less than
tWinlty miles east of Cape Henry, one dollar and fifty cents per foot
to Hampton Roads; from Iampton Roads to sea, one dollar and
twenty-five cents per foot; froim Hampton toads to Norfolk and
Portsmouth, thirty-eight cents per foot; from HIampton Roads to

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