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An Act amending an act, entitled an act reducing into one of the several acts concerning slaves, free negroes and mulattoes 1844 62 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0590 and id is 1 raw text is: 62                             Slaves, Free Negroes, 4'c.
sand dollars, conditioned to pay and satisfy all judgments that may
be rendered in consequence of the violation within twelve months
after the date of said bond, of any provision of this or the act
Seizure of ves- aforesaid ; and the certificate of the clerk of any superior court of
heretofore le-  aw in this commonwealth, that such bond and security had been
quired, how dis- given in his office, shall be sufficient for dispensing with the bond
pensedwith.  required by the third section of the act aforesaid, and for dispensing
with the seizure and detension of vessels or their papers, as autho-
rized by said section, and with the affidavit thereby required.
Counties of Ac-  6. And be it  rther enacted, That in consequence of the peeu-
cotuack and                 f
Nortbanipt o- liar position of the counties of Accomack and Northampton, the
toneptofrom alcra said counties be, and they are hereby exempted from tie operation of
Exception.  the provisions of this act, except so much of the fourth section as
provides for the prosecution of inspectors for misbehaviour in office,
and their removal from the same.
Commencement.  7. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CrAP. 73.-An ACT amending an act, entitled an act reducing into one
the several acts concerning slaves, free negroes and inulattoes, passed
March 2d, 1819.
[Passed February 19, 18-15.]
Jailers to report  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That when any negro
to court free no-
(oee, co,.rnitted or mulatto shall be committed to jail under the seventy-third and se-
P o r   w a nne t   o   f r e e   v n
paper     ee ventv-seventh sections of an act, entitled  an act reducing into one
Hee  R. C. islo, the several acts concerning slaves, free negroes and mulattoes, passed
7p. 440,441.  March the second, eighteen hundred and nineteen, it shall be the
duty of the jailor of the county or corporation, to make report in
writing of that fact to the next and every succeeding county or cor-
Also tocommon- poration court, and also to the commonwealth's attorney, whose duty
wvealth's ottr-
welhs.   r  it shall be to call the attention of the court to the fact, and have the
Itlidty.   same entered of record, until such negro or mulatto shall be dis-
charged or hired out by said court.
Court to litnit pe- 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever the county or car-
ried for hiring
out free negroes poration court shall order such negro or mulatto to be hired out for
for Jail fees.  the payment of the jailor's fees, it shall be the duty of the court to
limit the period for which such negro or mulatto shall be hired out,
which period shall in no case exceed two years.
Time, place and  3. And be it further enacted, That before any such negro or
terms of hiring
to be advertisel mulatto shall be hired out, the time, place and terms of such hiring
shall be duly advertised in writing, at the courthouse door of said
county or corporation, for at least ten days before the day of such
Hiring when and hiring, and the said hiring shall always occur on a court day and
where to take
place.       at the courthouse door of the county or corporation.
n'rertove1    4. And be it further enacted, That before the hirer shall have
ty not to reeve any right to take possession of such negro or mulatto, he shall give
free negroolt of bond in the penalty of double the value of such negro or mulatto, to
state.       be ascertained by the court, with good security, in the clerk's office
of the county or corporation in which the hiring occurred, condi-
tioned that lie will not remove, or knowingly permit to be removed,
such negro or mulatto beyond the limits of the commonwealth, du-
ring the period for which such negro or mulatto shall be so hired out,
which bond shall be made payable to the commonwealth of Virginia.
renalty of bond, And it shall and may be lawful, upon a violation of the condition of
how recoverable. the bond aforesaid, for any person or persons to sue for and recover
the amount of the bond aforesaid, with costs of suit, the one moiety
thereof to the use of the person or persons suing for the same, and the

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