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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1844 9 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0588 and id is 1 raw text is: Taxes.-Apropriatlions.                              9
CrP. 2.-An ACT providing for the correction of errors in the commis-
sioners' books.
[Passed January 16, 1845.]
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That whenever any Correction of or-
error in listing personal property shall be found to exist in the cor rorsiIn listing
to  ex st.  n  .t le  on   persontil p~ropierty
missioners' books of any county, city, town or borough witin the onIfr mode.
commonwealth, it shall be the duty of the court of said county, city,
town or borough, upon satisfactory evidence of the fact, to certify the
same to the auditor of public accounts, whose duty it shall thereupon
be to cause the said error to be corrected; anti any money errone- Aloney errono.
ously paid into the treasury in virtue of such error shall be refunded ously prid into
to the person or persons, body politic or corporate, or to their legal ded.
representative, by warrant upon the public treasury : Provided, The 'rime ofeorrec.
 i  ton or errors 11-
said application be made to the auditor within two years thereafter. miie.
2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.     Commencenent.
CHAp. 3.-An ACT appropriating the public revenue.
[Passed Febnary 17, 1845.1
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the public taxes General find.
and arrearages of taxes due prior to the first day of October last, and
not otherwise appropriated, and all other branches of revenue, and all
public moneys not otherwise appropriated by law, wlhich shall come
into the treasury prior to the first day of October n.txt, and the sur-
plus of all appropriations heretofore made shall constitute a general
fund, and be appropriated as follows, to wit: To the expenses of the Appropriations to
general assembly, seventy-five thousand dollars; to the salaries and general assei-
allowances of the officers of civil government, eighty-two thousand eticers of civil
6 governoment.
dollars; to commissioners of the revenue and clerks for examining Conohkslonets
commissioners' books, thirty-two thousand dollars; to defray crimi- uni clefts.
nal charges, including the expense of guarding jails, thirty-two thou- g hs.
sand dollars; to pay the interest on certain certificates of public debt, interest on puis.
viz : for one year's interest on the old six per cent. military debt, lie debt.
held by the Literary fund, one thousand four hundred and forty-two
dollars and thirty-five cents; for one year's interest on seven per cent.
war debt, certificate held by the Literary find, twenty-two thousand
two hundred and thirty dollars; for one year's interest on two hun-
dred and fifty thousand dollars of five per cent. stock, subscribe'd to
the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company, created by the act passed
on the twentieth of February eighteen hundred and thirty-three,
twelve thousand five hundred dollars; for one year's interest on four
hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and seven dollars, certificates
issued for money borrowed at different times to pay the comnin-
wealth's subscription to the stock of the Exchange Bank, and the
Northwestern Bank of Virginia, twenty-seven thousand and six dol-
lars and forty-two cents; to pay the interest on temporary loans to the Interest on torn-
commonwealth, required for the public service during the present fis- porary loans.
cal year, viz : since the first of October last, three hundred and se-
venty-three dollars thirty-four cents; to pay contingent expenses Ofcontingentex-
courts, including allowances to clerks, attorneys, sheriffs and jailors, penses of courts.
twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars; to the payment of pen- lPensions.
sions allowed by law, nine hundred dollars; as a civil contingent civil contingent
fund, eight thousand dollars; to militia establishment, including ser-   iafund.
vices of clerks of courts of enquiry, adjutants, sergeant majors, pro-
vosts martial and expresses, and for the purchase of military equip-
ments when authorized by law, and time pay of musicians where the
fines of the regiment are insufficient, and also including the pay of
the adjutant general, eighteen thousand dollars; to the internal char- 'enitentiary.

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