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An Act to amend an act, entitled an act further to prohibit injuries to railroads and other property of railroad companies 1842 64 (1842)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0577 and id is 1 raw text is: 64                          Internal Improvement.-Railroads.
works of lnter- hereafter be required to take an oath or affirmation before some ma-
aI lnt.lOprov-  gistrate of the commonwealth, that they will faithfully and diligently
Reports to bo  perform their duties; and the reports of such toll-gatherers shall also
Vorlied.    be verified by oath or affirmation before some magistrate, which oath,
Falso wenring if taken falsely, shall subject the person taking it to the penalties pro-
ijo h ,rJiiry,  vided by law against persons convicted of perjury.
'enalty for pas-  2. Be it fihther enacted, That the penalty prescribed by the eigh-
sing withot  teenth section of  an act prescribing certain general regulations for
the incorporation of turnpike companies, for persons or things pas.
sing without payment of toll, shall hereafter be ten dollars, (instead
of live dollars,) recoverable by the toll-gatherer, in the manner pre-
scribed in the said section, one half for his own use, and the other
i'iioity  t,ll- for the use of the company: and any toll-gatherer knowing of aiy
goliehlrer fatilingC
to, 'lsecati, oll'ence committed under this act, and failing to prosecute therefor,
shall himiself be liable to removal from office, and to a deduction of
twenty dollars from his compensation, for each failure to prosectte.
tp,,ilIiienci,cIl.  3. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CHA. 95.-An ACT to amend an act, entitled an act farther to prohibit in-
juries to railroads and other property of railroad companies.
[ iassed A1iarc W1, 18.13i.1
I',,I,,iiy to birn,  1. Be it enarteld byj the general asscnbly, That if any person or
,r;,.i persons shiall wilfully and maliciously burn, set lire to, cut, tear Ul),
or destroy any part of any railroad now constructed, or which may
hereafter be constructed, or which may be partly comistruCtcd by amy
company imorporate, by the authority of the legislature of this coin-
monwealth, or constriicted by the comnmouiwealth, or by any person
or persons authorized by the legislature, or any of the necessary
%worls, buildings, niachincs, or bridges beloiiging, attached to, and
used vith, or as parts of such railroad, of the value of one thousand
dollars, every such person, his, her or their aiders and abettors shall
i'l iti in, oit ii be dee ied guilty of felony ; and if lie, she or they be a free person
or persons, shll sull:r imprisoimnit in the public jail and peniiteli-
tiary, for a term not less than ten nor more than twenty years, and if
il ,iave, .  a slave or slaves, slall suffer death without benefit of clergy.
Ec,.uIit vay  2. Be it .fither 'nacted, That all persons giving such information
,ttll'cit-rd ,. to any justice of thp. peace as shall lead to the apprehenlsion and con-
victioni of olleiders under this act, or the act to which this is atn
amendment, or the second section of an act, entitled  an act pre-
scrilbin g tie punishmnent of olliences committed on railroads, passed
larch the twenty-third, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, shall be
heiceforth entitled, onl proper evidence of the itett being ftriiished
to the executive, to such reward, not less than fifty, nor moore than
live humdred dolars, as miay seem to the executive proper under the
circumstances of the case.
,.tr I :i0-  3. Be it fiirlher enacted, That the act passed April the fifth, eigh-
,w_,. ,,,d,,,,, teen hundred and thirty-niie, entitled  an act further to l)rohibit in-
h,,i ,di ,dtllar. juries to railroads and bridges, shall henceforth be construed to al)-
A.,tA8391, ily   1 to cases where the subject injured is of more value than one liuin-
dred, and less than one thousand dollars: and this act shall not be
construed to repeal the said act or any part thereof.
coiiiiiviic iiit. ,4. This act shall be in orece from the passing thereof.

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