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An Act to revise and amend the charter of the city of Richmond. 1841 128 (1841)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0569 and id is 1 raw text is: 128                              Tozons-Rihmowd.
CHAP. 197.-An ACT to revise and amend the charter of the city of Richmond.
[Passed February 91, 18,12.]
Limits and    1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the territory con-
Richmond. city ofamed within the limits prescribed by sundry acts of assembly here-
tofore passed, and more particularly described and marked upon a
map prepared by Micajah Bates, under the direction of the corporate
authorities of the city of Richmond, dated in eighteen hundred and
thirty-five, shall be deemed and taken as the city of Richmond, and
the freeholders, housekeepers and inhabitants within the said limits,
Incorporated.  and their successors, shall be and they are hereby made a body politic
and corporate, by the name and style of  The City of Richmond,
General corpo- and as such, and by that name, may contract and be contracted with,
rate powers.  BUe and be sued, plead and be inipleaded, answer and be answered
unto, and may purchase, take, receive, hold and use goods and chat-
tels, lands and tenements, and choses in action, or any interest, right
or estate therein, either for the proper use of the said city, or in trust
for the benefit of any persons or association therein; and tile same
may grant, sell, convey, transfer and assign, let, pledge, mortgage,
chtrge aid encumber in any case, and in any manner in which it
would be lawful for a private individual so to do; and may have and
use a common seal, and alter and renew tile same at pleasure; and ge-
nerally shall have all the rights, franchises, capacities and powers ap-
pertaining to municipal corporations in this commonwealth.
Rights of mayor, '. All the real ant personal estate, and all tile funds, rights, titles,
aldermen and  taxes credits and claims, and rights of action of the mayor, alder-
vested in city. men and commonalty of the city of Richmond, or which are held in
trust, or have been appropriated for the use or benefit of the said
mayor, aldermen and commnonalty, or of the ilabitants of the said
city, sliall be, and the same are hereby transferred to, and vested in
the said city of Richmond, hereby incorporated.
Trust estates of  3. All real and personal estate heretofore conveyed to the said
cooration vest mayor, aldermen and commonalty, in trust, or for the use, benefit or
advantage of any persons or associations, shall he, and the same is
hereby transferred to, ain] vested in the city of Richmond, to be held
subject to all the trusts, conditions and qualifications to which it
would have been subject in the possession of tile said mayor, alder-
men and commonalty, if this act had not been passed.
Bonds and ron-  4. All bonds and writings obligatory, or contracts with, and all
tracts forand  rights, claims and demands against the said mayor, aldermen and
aginst city va-
lid.        commonalty, shall le good in law, for or against the city of Rich-
mnoid, the same as they would have been for or against the said
mayor, aldermen and commonalty, if this act had not been passetd.
Right of suffrage.  5. At all elections which shall be helt by the voters of said city,
for the corporate authorities thereof, the following persons shall be
entitled lo vote, viz : the freeholders of lots within the said city, whe-
ther improved or not, and whether such freeholdersq reside therein or
not; and the housekeepers; and also the inhabitants of tile said city
who shall have resided therein for the next preceding one twelve
months, such housekeepers or inhabitants possessing in their own
right within the same, moveable or imnmnoveable property to the value
or one hundred pounds, and such freeholders, housekeepers and in-
Power of council habitants being citizens of the United States. But nothing in this
relative to con- section, or in any other part of this act, shall be construed to prevent
tested elections,
andi estions  the council from prescribing by ordinance, such rules and regulations
submitted to 'iro-as slay be deemed necessary and proper for ascertaining the qualifi.
cations of electors, the mode of obtaining proof, in case of contested
elections, ud in till luestions submitted to the vote of the people,
and for preventing abuses in the exercise of the right of suffrage.

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