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An Act to prevent the destruction of terrapins and their eggs in certain waters of this commonwealth. 1841 66 (1841)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0567 and id is 1 raw text is: 66                      Preservation of Oysters and Terrapins.
cloucester, how Northampton county, and from Wilson's creek in Gloucester county,
Penrlhriybited. except for the consumption of the inhabitants of said counties. And
any person or persons violating the provisions of this act, shall for-
feit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars for every such violation;
one half of which sum shall be appropriated to the informer, and the
Offender, how  other half to the Literary fund. And it shall be the duty of each
proecutendd and and every justice of the peace of each of said counties, upon his
own knowledge or the information of others, to issue his warrant for
the apprehension of any one suspected of violating this act, and to
have such offender or offenders brought before him: and if upon
examination, such justice of the peace shall be satisfied that the per.
son or persons so apprehended, have either violated, or intended to
violate the provisions of this act, lie shall require any and every such
offender to enter into recognizance in the penalty of two hundred
dollars, conditioned that he will not violate this act for the space of
twelve months. And if such justice shall be of opinion that the
party thus brought before him has violated the provisions of this act,
lie shall require an additional recognizance of him in the penalty of
two hundred dollars, conditioned for his appearance at the next quar-
terly court for said county, to answer on information or indictment.
Doty of prosecu- And it shall be the duty of the attorney for the commonwealth for
ting attorney.  said county, to file against such offending party an indictment for the
Cost,      recovery of the said penalty of two hundred dollars. And in addi-
tion to the penalty herein before provided, if the party apprehended
shall he deemed guilty by the justice before whom lie may he brought,
the said justice shall give judgment against him for the costs of such
apprehension, and also for the further sum of five dollars for each
person employed in apprehending him, including the officer charged
with the execution of the warrant,
Co,nmencement.  2. This act shall be in force from and after the first day of May
CHAP. 11.-An ACT to prevent the destruction of terrapins and their eggs
in certain waters of this commonwealth.
[Passed rAarch 1i, 1849.]
Prohibition   1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That it shall not be law-
against catching ful for any person or persons whatsoever to take or catch any terra-
their eggs in  pins in any part of the waters, or on any beach, island or marsh, or
A ,cwnlac k 'nd
Northampton.  in any other place within the jurisdiction of the counties of Acco-
mack and Northampton, between the first day of May and the fif-
teenth (lay of October in any year. Nor shall it be lawful for any
person or persons whatsoever to take, use, disturb or destroy in any
manner, knowingly or wilfully, at any time whatever, any terrapin
eggs, found or being on any beach, island or marsh within the juris-
diction aforesaid.
Penaltics for vio.  2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons whatso-
lating act.  ever shall, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, take
or catch any terrapins, between the said first day of May and the fif-
teenth day of October in any year, within the jurisdiction aforesaid;
or shall knowingly or wilfully take, use, disturb or destroy in any
manner, any terrapin eggs, at any time whatever, within the juris-
diction aforesaid, he, she or they so offending, shall, in the case of a
white person, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be proceeded
Act to be given against and punished as such; and to ensure a more effectual sup-
in charge to
grand j     lies,  pression of such olfences, this act shall be given specially in charge
to the grand juries of said counties, at the superior and inferior
courts thereof. And in the casc of a negro or mulatto, lie she or

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