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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1840 31 (1840)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0558 and id is 1 raw text is: Collection of ilevcnu.-Alpropratons,                      31
CHAP. 4.-An ACT concerning delinquent and forfeited lands lying west of the
Allegliany mountain.
[i'aased Matcli 18, 1811.1
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That all the right, title Stahesriglitln
andi interest, now vested in the conlnonwealth in any lands or lots etit lls
lying west of the Alleglany mountains, by reason of the non-pay- wiej ve4te ill
ment of the taxes heretofore due thereon, or of tie failure of thle
owner or owners thereof, to cause the same to be entered ol the
books of the commissioner of the revenue of tile proper counties,
and have the same charged with taxes, accordilng to law, by virtue of
the provisions of tile several acts of assembly heretofore enacted, in
reference to delinquent arid omitted lands, shall Ihe, and the SIliC are
hereby absolutely transferred and vested in any person or persons,
other than those for whose defitult the same may have been forfeited,
their heirs or devisces, who are now in aictual possession of tiny part
or parcel thereof, for so much thereof as such person oi persons may
have just title or claini to, legal or equitable, claimed, held, or de-
rived from or under any gralt of the COmlnllwealth, bearing (late
previous to the first day of April, eighteen hundred and tforty-one,
who slhall have discharged all taxes duly assessed and charged against
hin, tier or thlem, upon such lands, andl all taxes that ought to have
been assessed and charged thereon, from the time lie, she or they ac-
qluired his, her or their title thereto, whether legal or equitable : Pro- Itlgla  r rinos
vilehd, ']'hat nothing in this section contained sliall be so construedl s having grants,
11ltd WIIo haill
to impair the right or title of any person or persoiis who shall lave laid taxe,, nt
obtained grants froin the commtnonwealth, for the said land, and have Iimpaired.
regularly paid the taxes due thereon ; but in all such cases the parties
shall be left to the strength of their original titles.
2. iid bc it further enacted, Tlit it shall be the duty of coin- l.t,i N, ,
missioners of  forfeited  and  delinquelt hiids in  tie  several counties  clIi1, 1, )  tt,,
les NepC~lfc ronl  tr-
lying west of the Allegliany nountains, in making out their reports ,lers for sale.
to their respective courts, or tile judges thereof in vacation, of laids
liable to be sold innder tile provisiols of the laws now in force, to
specify and plat out any parcel or parcels thereof, the right or title
whereto shall have been transferred to tile actual occupant thereof,
under the provisions of this act, or order that the same iiay be excIt-
(led from the orders of sale, to be made by the said courts, or the
judges thereof in vacation ; and where such orders of sale have been
heretofore made, it shall be the duty of the said colmissioners, at
the time of making the same, to except therefrom any such parcel or
parcels thereof, the right whereof slall le transferred to the actual
occupant or occupants thereof, under the provisions of this act.
3. This act shall be in force from tile passing tlereof.
Ci vi. 5.-An ACT appropriating the public revenue.
[Passedl March 22, 18.11.]
1. lIe it enacted by the general (issenibly, That tile taxes aiid ar- Gcwrau filnd.
rears of taxes due prior to the first (lay of October last, and not
otherwise appropriated, and all other branches of revenue, and all
public moneys not otherwise appropriated by law, which shall collie
into the public treasury, prior to the first day of October next ; and
the surplus of all appropriations heretofore made, shall constitute a ge-
neral Fund, and be appropriated as follows, to wit: To the expenses of Aliiroitrintioa it
the general assembly, ninety-five thousand dollars ; to the salaries llnd Oglytr ii
allowances of the otlicers of civil government, eighty thousand 1o- gotvcruiltt.
lars ; to the commissioners of the revenue, and clerks for exalmining c,,,ltn.i.ioncrs
commisioers bk    t                                         clerks.
commssoners' books, thlirty thousand dollars; to defray criminal 'Cr~iialchiarges.

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