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An Act to prevent the destruction of oysters and terrapins in certain waters of this commonwealth. 1838 86 (1838)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0532 and id is 1 raw text is: 86,          Inspections- Tobacco.-'reservation of Oysters and Terrapins.
to the owner thereof, at least one day's notice in writing of the fact
of said trespass or trespasses.
Commencement.  2. This act shall be in force from and after the first of July
CHAP. 112.-An ACT to establish an inspection of tobacco at Charlottesville.
(Pasled Alarca, 12, 1838.)
Inspection of to.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That an inspection of
bacco ettablish ad
near Charlottes. tobacco shall be and is hereby established on the lands of epic
villa.       Norris and Charles Everette, lying on the north side of the public
road leading from the town of Charlottesville to a public landing
on the RIivanna river, at the place usually called and known by the
Regulations.  name of  Moore's Ford, under the like rules and regulations as
rrovlo.     are prescribed by law for other inspections: Provided, however,
That if the quantity of tobacco inspected at said inspection shall
not be sufficient to pay the usual charges and the inspectors' sala-
ries, the deficiency shull not be paid by the public.
Commencement.  2. This act shall be in force from its passage.
CHAP. 113.-An ACT to revive the inspection of tobacco in Meadesville, in
the county of Halifax.
(Paued April 4, 1838.)
Inspection or to.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the inspection of
bacco at Mfatres-
villa revived.  tobacco at Mcadesvillo, in the county of Halifax, be and the same is
RoguRlatong.  hereby revived and re-established under the like rules and regula-
tions as are prescribed by law for other inspections: Provided
always, That if the quantity of tobacco inspected at said inspec-
tion shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges and the inspec-
tors' salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public.
Commencement.  2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CHeAP. 114.-An ACT to prevent the destruction of oysters and terrapins in
certain waters of this commonwealth.
( Paused February 5, 1838.)
Non 'esldents pro.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the provisions of
otr d erra- tie act, entitled,  an act to prevent the destruction of oysters and
nioru aNa,,o.  terrapins in certain waters of this commonwealth, passed March
mondaln'i Nor, alk ....        .
Sea fct. lSM.7, fifteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, be and the same are
pp.54,55,    hereby extended to the waters of the counties of Nansemond and
Norfolk, and within the jurisdiction thereof.
Penalty for selling  2. And be it further enacted, That if any person permitted by
oytore to master$
Ve sses Within the first section of this act to take or catch oysters or terrapins in
certain period, the waters of Nansemond or Norfolk, shall sell oysters or terrapins
to any master of a vessel or skipper, or commander of any vessel
or craft, between the first day of May and the first day of October
in any year, every person so offending, for every such offence, shall
How recoverable, forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered by war-
rant before any justice of the peace of any county adjoining the
water in which the offence was committed, or in which the defen..
dant may reside, the one half to be paid to the informer, and the
other half to the commonwealth for the benefit of the literary fund ;
Paelty on Mu. azid every master or commander of any vessel or craft so permitted
tor, o vessels,  as aforesaid, shall be subject to the like penalty, recoverable in the
like manner.

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