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An Act to incorporate the Kanawha slave insurance company. 1835 267 (1835)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0501 and id is 1 raw text is: Insurance Companies.                             21H
preference of all other persons for the first fifteen days after the
said books shall be opened as aforesaid, of subscribing fur so many
shares as any of them shall choose ; and the said president and di-
rectors are hereby required to observe in all respects tile same rules
thereon as te herein prescribed for receiving and adjusting the
first subscriptions for the capital stock of tile said corporation ; and
tile subscribers for such additional shares of capital stock are here-
by declared to be thenceforward incorporated into the said corpora-
lion, with all the privileges and advantages, and subject to all the
liabilities of the original stockholders.
18. And be it enacted, That this nt be and continue in force Uomrnmencement
for the term of thirty years from and after its passing.    dchduration or
CuAP. 188.-An ACT to incorporate the Kanawha slave insurance company.
(passed Fuhruary 18, 1836.)
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That it shall be lawful Had.k, ror ul,-
 . acrl ios w'here,
to open books under the direction of Joel Shrewsbury, senior, Levi when uni by
Welsh, Lewis lLuf'incr, Andrew Donally, William Rt. Cox, John wiominound.
Lewis, James Bream, James C. M'Farlamd, John D. Lewis, Beija-
min 1I. Smith, Sainuel Hannah and Jaines 11. Fry, conmissioners,
or any three or more of thein, at such timies and places as they may
designate, for tlme purpose of receiving subscriptions to ihe aruount capital.
of fifty thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars eacth, to
constitute a joint capital stock for the purpose of insuring against
losses by the absconding of slaves. The time and place of receiv-Timo and place or
0 lihscribing to be
ing subscriptions as aforesaid, shall be advertised in the newspaper d   to
published in Charleston, and at or near where subscriptions may be
proposed to be taken, and the books for receiving the same, shall
not be closed in less than thirty (lays; and if it shall appear that Exceon or sub.
SCOriton, how to-
more than five hundred shares of the capital stock aforesaid shall ducod.
have been subscribed for, within that period, it shall be tile duly of
the said commissioners to reduce the number of shares subscribed
for, among the subscribers, in fair and equal proportions to the
amount of stock subscribed for respectively by each, until the whole
amount of shares have been reduced to five hundred ; but if tile WVbhon lok.
whole number of shares shall not be subscribed for within the said  d.
thirty days, then tile books may b. closed or continued open, as a
majority of the above named commissioners may judge to be most
beneficial, until the whole number of shares shall be subscribed for,
or until the company be organized.
2. Be it firother enactd, That whenever one hundred shares or Company iacorpo.
more shall have been subscribed, and two dollars upon each share rtd.
paid, as hereinafter provid(ed, then the subscribers having so paid,
shnll be, and they are hereby declared to be, from time to time, a
body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name and
style of  The Kanawha Slavc Insurance Companyl, and by the Name.
said name, they and their successors, shall and may have conitinual Corporate .ow..
succession, and be capable in law of suing and being sued, plead-
ing and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, de-
fending and being defended in all courts and places, in all manner
of actions, suits, complaiits, matters and causes whatsoever ; and
that they and their successors may have and use a common seal,
and may change and alter tile same at pleasure, and may, by the
same name be capable of purchasing, holding or conveying any
estate real or personal, for the use of the said corporation, subject
to the restrictions hereinafter mentioned.

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