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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1832 5 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0436 and id is 1 raw text is: Taxes.-Ilppropriaiions.
dollars in every county, city, borough or corporation where the snme
shall be exhibited ; on every license to a Iroker, sixty dollars ; on On brokor,,  en-
every license to sell silver, plated ware or jewelry, not of the manu- url of ulvor or
faeture of the vender, twenty dollars : f'roi'dd (Ji alys, That per- ' ,.lyro or
sons who only repair watches, and vend such articles as are neces-No.
sary in that line of business, sIall not be deemed and taken within
the meaning of this act, as venders of silver and plated ware and
jewelry, who are required to pay a tax and obtain a. license. On Vendu masters.
every vendue master, a tax of' sixty dollars.
3. Bc it further charted, 'iliat if any mechanic, milliner, or o, .,,ne1nnicy,
other person taxable as retail Inmercha n ts, under the revellle laws, milli n ,&c
will make oath belbre the comnmissioner of the revenue (who is
hereby empowered to ad iiiister the same,) that his or her average
sales per annum, of goods, wares atnd ierchandize, or other arti-
cles connected with his or her line of bisiness, (ti not exceed the
amount of' sales of' articles of' his or her mantifacture or mechanical
labour, such person shall only pay a tax of' tell dollars ; and if' li
or she, when required, shall ref'nse to take suc oath, lie or she shall
be therenpun listed as a retail inre halt. Every clock pedlar shall Clock pedlm.
pay one hundred dollais iin each cmuity iii which lie shall trade.
,4. 'This act sliall coininence and be in tIrce f'rom atnd after tile Co, ncement.
passing thereof.
CIIAP. 2.-An ACT atlpropria:In the inblic revenue.
(ll,,lMnm'ih  W~, IST1I.}
1.   t rn rtcltd  theln /icrr.a./ (icmhly, That the taxes alid ar- ienrn
rears of taxes due prior to the f'ist day of' (October last, and not
otherwise appropriated, and all other branches of revenue, arid all
public inonies iiot otherwise alilropirii(ed by law, which shall cotie
inito the publil.. treasury prior to the first day of' ()ctler next, and
the surplhs of' all appropiriation lihernofore iiilde, shall constitute a
general f'iid, and be appropriated as tbllows, to wit: to tle exlelses si,,rifc nipropli-
of the general assenblily, niilily thliisand dollars; to tle2 salaries IMOTiV'
and allowances of tihe ollicers of' civil grovernment, sevei y-six thou-
sand dollars; to the coiiiiisSiOniers of the revenuie, aiind clerks ftbr
exatmining coininissioiers' books, thirty thouisatid dollars ; to defray
criminal clharges, including the expense of guarding jails, fbrty
thousand dollars; to pay the inierest oin three hulldred aind nine-
teen thousand dollars of' the seven per ent. debt, aiid Oil two certi-
ficates of' six per cent. debt, held by the literary fi'nd, twenty-three
thousand sevei hniidred and seveitv-two dollars and thirty-f'ur
cents; to tie sinkinig f'iiid for the redeiiption of tie old six per
cent. inilitp ry debt, five hundred dollars ; to contingent expenses of
conirts, iiiC ,diing allowances to clerks, attorneys, sheritllf aid jailors,
twenty.eivht thousand dollars ; to the payment of pensions allowed
by law, three thousand dollars ; as a civil contingent f'uid, thirteen
thousand dollars ; to militia establishmnent, iiichidintg services of
clerks of courts of enquiry, adjutants, pro'osts martial aid expresses,
and for the purchase of druis, fifes, and the pay of musicians, where
the fties of tie regiment are insufficient, aiid also, including tile pay
of adjutant general and brigade inspectors,eighiteen thousand dollars;
to the interial charges of the penitentiary house, fouir thousand dol-
lars ; to the penitentiary oflicers' salaries, six thousand six hundred
and fifty dollars; to the transportation of criminals to the peniten-

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