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An Act imposing taxes for the support of government. 1832 3 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0435 and id is 1 raw text is: PART I.
CHIP. .-An ACT imposing taxes for the support of government.
[Passed March Ist, MI:g.]
1. Be it cnactel b!/ the gcneral asrnbllJ, That the public taxes 'raxes for 18.
for the ) ear eighteen hIundred and thirty.three, shall be its follows,
viz : on lands, for every hnimdred dollars %,ale thereol; (agreeably on land,.
to the  act lbr arranging the counties into districts for the election
of senators, and for equalizing the land tax, passed February the
eighteenth, one thousand eight hIundred and seventeen, and tile
act finIther to ainen1d and explaiL the act, entitled, ' all act fbr ar-
ranging the counties into districts for the election of senators, alnd
for equaliziug tihe land tax,'  passed iarch the first, one tlIotsalld
eighi t hundred and nineteen,) eight cents; fo1 ill 1lonses andlots ill I loue an Ilot in
town, two dollars for every hundred dollars yearly rent or millllual  .
value thereof; for all houses al1d lots improved, and not rented or
occupied, and ill ullinproved lots ii ally city, town or borough,
eight cents for every hundred dollars value thereof, agreeably to !he
above recited acts for arranging the counties into districts for the
election of senators, aind for equalizing the lind tax ; for every slave Slave,.
above the age of twelve years, (except such as have been, or may
be exenpt iii colseqlumece of' age or infirmIity, by t lie respective
county alld corporation courts,) twenty-five cents ; for every stal. lLorses, amses,&c.
lion or jack-ass, twice the price at which such stallion or jack-ass
covers it mare by tile seasol; tor all other horses, inares, asses,
moles and colts, six cents ; for every ordinary license, or license to Ofilinnrieq nud
keep a h1ouse of public entertainlnIent, there sliall be paid a tax oflemrt mnt
no less than eighteen dollars; an d if' the allnl rent or viale of
such ordinary (to be assessed by the conuissioner of the revenue,)
shall exceed two hundred dollars, an additional tax shall be paid at
the rate-of seven per centul ol stichl excess of anltiull rent or va-
lue ; for every license to keep a hiouse of private entertainment,
which shall be situated in sonie city, town or borough, or within
eight hundred yards actual distance of somle public road, or hIIigl-
way, there shall be paid a tax at tle rate of'live per ceutoin on the
annual rent or value of' such house of private entertainment, vith-
out referellce to the valte of tile building; such ainial rent or va-
noe to be ascertailed by the commissioner of the revenue : J'roihdc
however, That if aiiy house of private entertainment, as s lall
be of' less annual value than fifly dollars, not mlore t hal two dollars
shall be charrged for suclh license : all boardill g houses ill ally city, On mar,ling
town or borouilg, where boarders are received allid elntertailned fior
a shorter period than one mlonth, shall be classed with houses of
private cltertainment ; and tile keepers or proprietors thereof, shall
pay the tax imposed on houses of private entertainlent, ally tling
in ally former law to the contrary lotwitlistalldillg ;  r every riding carrirign.
or pleasure carriage, stage-waggon, jersey-waggon and carryall,

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