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An Act to amend the act concerning slaves, free negroes and mulattoes. 1830 107 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0415 and id is 1 raw text is: Slaves, Free Negroes and .lloe                            107
corporation court, until the ease shall be finally disposed of by the
superior court to which the writ of error is returnable.
5. All acts and parts of acts coming within tile purview of his nopoati, tclus.
act shall he and the same are herehy repealed - Providrd ad'.,ys,'
Tlhat nothing in this act contained shall be construed to repeal atny'
act herelofore made, for so much thereof as may relate to any of.
fence committed or done, or claim which may have accrued, lWioro
the commencement of this act.
6. This act shall be in force from and after the first day of May Commetoevnt.
CHAP. XXY1X.-AN ACT to amend the act concerning slaves, free negroes
and 1ll11iilr(lles,
fhsied April 7, 131.]
1. Be it enacted ly the gcneral, as.cib/, That all fee negroes ,rre negrop. an
• ~ ~     ~     ~     ~     i     elilte w II i' Illln-
and inilattoes, who shall he Convicted of reuillainlltlg in tihis collmoll- il itul, contra-
wealth contrary to law, and who shall hecome liable to be sol ac- ry ,,, lit-, te I,
cording to the provisiols of fornier laws and of this act, s-hll he ,1 l
publicly sol  by the sheriff or sergeant, at the front door of the
court-house of the uollnty or corporationl, on a court-daty in pnUrsll- Notira of Salo rna
ance of.notice of such sale, slnsed at such court-house door, at the ,pilet.
court held in the precedilg bontij.
2. Be it firthr eita t,d, That tie several superior courts of law, Jerislitlion in
as well as the county and corporation coorts, shall have jurisdictionl !l
in I  ,, rl perio r
of all proseclt ions aga ilst fIree negroes It id llIlulattoe  olls,  ll ing iII a well as ctionty
manner aforesaid, and may try and determine the same accordingr
to law.
3. Be it further ,wactd, TI'hat it shall be the duty of all coin- ( nmmisoner, of
missioners of the public reveniUe, once ill every year, to present to ,O ree  of,.r
the grand juries of the several courts atoresaid, a list of all free ne-  i re• ni   l
groes and mulattoes, who, in the opinion of such comnissioners,iustate.
may have remained within the commonwealth, contrary to law, up-
wards of twelve mouths from the time of their emancipation.
4. B~e it firthor emarn,'d, 'hat all meetlins of free egroes or M feeti  fo
I toehingd five no-.
mulattoes, at any school-house, church, nteeting-house or othter gro., e.reading
place for teaching thein reading or writing, either ill the day or 0rWtiting, Pr-
night, under whalsoever pretext, shall lie deemed and coisildered as
an unlawfl assembly ; and any justice of the county or orporatititI, Juliiee loitu0
wherein such assemblage shall be, either firom his own knowledge,  tapt t;ppe.
M   ived lied disperso
or on the information of others, of such unlawfid assemblafge or |,wt, Iehls,.
meeting, shall issue his warrant, directed to any sworn olfleer or
officers, authorising him or them, to enter the house or houses
where such unlawful assemblage or meeting may be, for the prpose
of apprehending or dispersing such free negroes or mulattoes, and ptrnixirent.
to inflict corporal punishment on the oflfender r olrenders, at the
discretion of any justice of the peace, not exceeding twenty lashes.
5. lie it further enaced,'l That if' any white perlsot or persons Penalty on white
assemble with firce negroes or mulalloes, at any school-house, 'ef   ,'_
churchl, meeting-house, or other phice 1or the purpose o instructing n|.gr,  to ingirct
such free negroes or mulattoes to read or write, such person or per-mwfinhlr;.
ons shall, ott conviction thereof, Ie fined in a sum not exceeding
fifty dollars, and moreover may be imprisoned at the disncrction of a
jury, not exceeding two months.

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