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An Act to prevent the destruction of oysters within certain rivers of this Commonwealth. 1829 23 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0406 and id is 1 raw text is: In the fifty-fourth year of the Commonwealth.                      23
by purchase, gift, marriage, bequest or inheritance. Given under
our hands and seals, this        day of
(L. S.).
•                              (L. s.)
anti which freehohlers will moreover make an aflidavit, or declara-
tion on oath, berore some justice of' the county, in the presence
of' the said clerk, ill the foillowing formi, or to the following effect:
county, to wit:                                   Form of affidavit
Th e above naited A. 1). and C. I). oi freeholders.
personally appeared bel'Ote ie a jistice of tIle peace, r'it the county
aforesaid, ill the State of, Vir-inia, anl declared oin oath, that they
have known the slave nain etl d escriheil in the fi'eguiig cer-
tilicate 1,r- several years, and that li (or shte) has not been guilty,
noit beeni cotvicteil of any crimnes, within their knowledge; but
that lie (i' she) has a goud inmoral character, antd las [lot been ill
tile habit ofr rllnillg avay. Given uder lily hand and seal, this
day of
(, S.)
It shall be the duty of' the clerk ofl aiy county coirt, to give to Form of certifi-
the owier of any such slave, a cerilicate in thi' fllowing I'utrIl, cate of clerk of
or to the fo lowing  fecllte, to wit: I, G. I!. clerk of tle county county court.
court of,         in the State of Virginia, do hereby ce'tiry'
that the f'oregoing certificate was signed and given, and the forego.
ing affidtvit or declaration oil oath was made by the above namied
f'eeholders, iil my pt'esence: that they are lnet (if' good charac.
ter, and are nit the velleis rs; that I. S. before whoon tile above
aflilavit or declaration oin oitli ,,as ma de, is a justice of tile
peace in this county, and is duly autlorised to adninister an oath;
and that the said A. It. and C. 1). are respectable and well known
freelholders in this connty. Given under ily hand, and the seal
of tile county court, this    day of'         . And the pre- Form of certifi.
siding justice of' the county court is hereby authorised and re- cate of presiding
quireCI to subjoin to tile certificate of the clerk, a certificate in justice.
the following forl, or to tile rollnwving eflect, viz : 1, S. 11. the pre-
siihing j ustice of' tie colintv colirt of  d hereby certify, that
I. S. who has signed the f'oregoilig certificate, and annexed there-
to the seal of' the county court of'      is the clerk of the
said court, and of w\hich cturt I am the presiding justice. Given
under ily hand and seal, this        day of
For which service in each case, the clerk shall be allowed and Fees of clerks.
paid one (follar.
2. This act slhaM be in force frot its passage.          Commencement.
CHAPTER IS-An net to prevent the destruction of oysters within certain
rivers of this Commonwealth.
(hissed Februitry fItl, 18:0.)
Whereas it is represenitel to the General Assembly, that ,nuch Preamble.
injury iath arisen to the oyster fisheries in some of' the rivers of
this State, from a practice rece ntl y intrt(lu cei d, of' lishing or ta kin ,
oysters fromn the i'tcks (i' heds where they are ound, in the warm
months of' tile year, at which tinie tihey art in a state of' increase,
unlit to be used as foiod, and the remuval or disturbance is ie-
structive to such fisheries:

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