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An Act prescribing the duty of clerks of county courts, and the form of certificates for owners of slaves to be removed to the State of Louisiana. 1829 22 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0405 and id is 1 raw text is: 22                  In the fifty-fourtlh year of the Commonwealth.
CHAPTER 15.-An net requiring returns of sales of the effects of insolvent
(Passed January 28th, 18:30.)
Shoriffs and     1. Be it enacted by1 the t;enerll dlssemllblyl That whenever herc-
other ollicers to after any shelill, sergeant or other Ilficei', shall make sale of the
.     .ake returns of  she iili1     e to his hands, of' all inslvent debtor,
sales ofl ilolventellects, which shall c
debtors' eftlcts  such sherill, sergeant or other olficer, shall, within sixty days
within sixty days. thereafter, make a return to the olticl of the clerk of the court,
in which the judgmitent was reinlered, stating the atnulunt lade
What to be spe- by such sale, specil'ing in such return the I)r rty sold, and tile
cifted.       ilrice of each article sold ; which return shall be recorded by the
Effect of return, clerk, and shall have the sainet Force and effect, as returns inade
Penalty oi oli- on writs of tleri facias.  Ani it such shierill* sergeant o' other
cers fur failure. officer, shall fail to nake such return, a.s is herein bhelore directed,
lie shall be subject to the same fine as lie might or would he sub-
ject to for not returning a writ of lieri filwias ; to be recovered iii
the manner prescribed by law, in cases for 'ailing to return writs
of tieri lac as.
Comnencement.  2. This act shall be in force from its passage.
Cl IAPTEIt 16.-An act allowitig copies of deeds to be recorded in certain cases.
(Passed February lth, 18:10.)
Copies of deeds  1. Be it eiticted by the Geneial dilsseitbly, That whenever an
recorded in one original deed conveying real oi1 personal estate, shall have been
county, may be duly recorded in any county or' corporation court, and such origi-
recorded in any                                                    c
other county, the nal he lost or Mislaid, it copy thereod' ron the recorAs, duly ee-
original being  tilied by tie clerk (if' such court, mav be Iecorded in ally other
lost.         county or corporation within this Coiiioionwealtlh, at the instance
of any persoft interested who shall make alihlavit before a justice
of the Ieace that the original is lost or inislaid: and the record-
ing of such copy shall have the same florce and validity as the
original would have had if it had been so recorded.
Commencelment.  Q. This act shall be in force from the passage thereol.
CIHAPTER 17.--An act prescribing the duty of clerks of county courts, and
the form of certificates for owners of slaves to be removed to the State of
(Passed January 30th, 1S30.)
Certificates to be  1. Be it enarted by the Gelers't JsSI, bly. That when any person
obtained by per- or persons shah lie about to renilive, I'rm  the State ol Virginia to
sons removing  the State of Lu uisiana, a slae which ie, she or they have acquir-
slaves to Louist- ed title to by purchase, gift, inlardage , beq est or inheritance, and
ana.          shall produce before the clerk or any cuilily court in the State,
two Freehtolders of the cou nty, known to the clerk to be respecta-
ble men, who will, in his presence make and si-ln a certificate, in
Form of certifi. tile followilln for, or to ile  liiwiglh et, to wit \Ve A. B.
cate of freehol-1 ani C. 1). freclollers in the cnlity of  in tile State of
ders.         Virginia, i1o hercby certify, that a negro (01' mulatto) roan, wotnan,
boy or girl slave, (as hlie case may be) abuve the age of twelve
years, by the nalle of               , stature     feet
inches, age           years, cnlour          inarks         (if
any) was raised by l). ft. the present owner, or was acquired by
P. It froi S. T. in the county of        in the State aforesaid,

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