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An Act allowing Elizabeth Boswell, a free woman of colour, to remain in this Commonwealth. 1828 156 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0399 and id is 1 raw text is: Commutation or
punilhment upon
Philip Bruntakill,
fron tranaporta-
tion, tee. to con-
fincment in peli-

In the Af1y-third year of the Commonwealth.
CHAPTER IT.-An not concerning Philip nrumnkill, a man of colour.
(Pased February 97th, 1899.)
I. Be it enacted by the General Aissembly, That Philip Brutus.
kill, a wan of colour, now confined in the public jail and peniten-
tiary-house, who was, under an act of Assembly lately in force,
condenned to slavery, transportation and sale, shall be relieved
from the punishment to which lie has been sentenced under the
said act; and fir the ollence of which lhe stands convicted, shall
be imprisoned in the said public jail and penitentiary-house, for
the term of six years from the time of his conviction, and be kept
in a solitary cell in the said jail and penitentiary house, o,, low
and coarse diet, for the space of one.twentieth part of the said
term: Provided, T'hat the said Philip Brumrkill shall, at the next
term of Ilenrico superior court of law, (to which lie shall be con-
tved by the keeper of the penitentiary,) consent, in open court,
to'the change and commutation of punishment herein declared ;
which consent, if given, shall be entered upon the record of the
said court; or, if the said Philip Brumskill shall refuse, or fail to
give sucll consent, that fact shall be recorded ; and in case of such
refusal or failure, the sentence heretoflure pronounced upon tile
said Philip, shall remain in full force, and be executed as if this
act had never passed.
2. This act slall be in force from its passage.

UIIAP'I'II 178.-An act allowing Elizabeth Boswell, a free woman of Colour,
to renuin in this Commonweahh.
('aned January 241, 16,29.)
Preamble.       Wlhereas, it is represented to the Gelienral Assembly, by Eliza.
beth Boswell, i woiiian of colour of the county of Rockinghaun, that
she was purchased by her husband,aid emancipated ; that she is
now about lifty years ol, and her husband is old, and so infirm as to
be tuable tio Sustain the dilliculties aid fatigue of removing to
another coulitry ; and that they have, by economy and industry,
acquired property sufficient to support thein iii comfort where they
ate ; and she havim petitioned the LJe'gislature to be permitted to
remain with her husband in this Comimnnwealth i
Elizabeth los.  1. lie it enacted, '['hat the said Elizabeth lhoswell shall be, and
welllerinhted to she is hereby permitted to reniain as a free persi  within this
remain ill tle
Cognmniwealth. Commnnwealth, and to reside in the said counlty of Rockinfhan
Permission, how Provided however, T'hat if the said Elizabeth lloswell shalrhere-
revoked,     after be convicted by thin verdict of a jury and the judgment of a
court, of amy otlince agairat tile laws of this Commonwealth, it
shall be lawful for the court of tile maid county of Rockingham, or
for the court of that county or corporatlun within which the con-
viction may be had, a majority of the acting magistrates being
present, or having been summonned for that purpose, and the said
Elizabeth having been duly summioned to shew cause, against it,
to revoke the leave of residence hereby granted, if it seemn expe.
Effect of order of dienti, and to order her to depart this Couinonwealti : And if alter
revocation,  such order of revocation, she shall renilmin in this Conmonwealth
more than twelve nionths, she shall forfeit her right to freedom,
and be subject to presentment, prosecution and sale, in the man-
ner provided by the eighth section of the act passed the twenty.
fourth day of February, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, en-

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